My Health Record

Health budget has big changes – reviving our worn-out Medicare fee-for-service system and boosting bulk billing

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星期三, 五月 10, 2023

The big news on budget night was a tripling of the bulk-billing incentive, a key plank to strengthen Medicare.

Key Points: 
  • The big news on budget night was a tripling of the bulk-billing incentive, a key plank to strengthen Medicare.
  • Bulk billing is unevenly distributed and in some low-income areas (bulk-billing deserts) fewer than 50% of people have all their GP attendances bulk billed.
  • Practice owners could simply pocket the increased incentive for patients who are already bulk billed, leaving bulk billing rates unchanged.

1. Primary care is now a priority

    • Typically, health budgets are focused on hospitals, with primary care an afterthought, or worse: the target of budget cuts.
    • In the lead up to the budget, Health Minister Butler emphasised the centrality of primary care to the health system.

2. Funding the plan to strength Medicare

    • Health Minister Butler signalled the focus on primary care as one of his first acts when he appointed the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce, which I was a member of.
    • Read more:
      New Medicare reforms won't fix everything but they start to tackle the system's biggest problems

      A key challenge for primary care policy is the reliance on fee-for-service payments.

    • Team-based health care The Strengthening Medicare Taskforce also recommended more multi-disciplinary or team-based primary care, involving nurses, physiotherapists and a range of other health providers and administrative supports.
    • The increased funding in this budget will reward that past behaviour, making these practices more viable, as well as encouraging an expansion in other practices.

3. Extended prescription dispensing length

    • The third budget change, announced in April, reduces prescription costs for medications by extending prescription quantities to two rather than one month’s supply for many common medications.
    • It doubles the amount of medication that may be dispensed under a single prescription, reducing patient co-payments and dispensing fees paid to pharmacists.

4. Digital health time bomb

    • The Strengthening Medicare Taskforce identified contemporary digital health capacity as essential for a modern health system.
    • Yet peculiarly, the previous government did not provide funding for the Digital Health Agency and My Health Record on an ongoing basis.

What’s missing?

    • Although funding has been provided for more budget time bombs – programs which otherwise would have ended – and funding for additional places in psychology courses, mental health reform is still a work in progress.
    • The government has recognised this gap, titling its mental health budget announcement “laying the groundwork”.
    • It signals a new priority for primary care and provides a new foundation for funding reform for the future.

OAIC welcomes strengthening of privacy protections in My Health Records

Retrieved on: 
星期一, 十月 31, 2022

OAIC welcomes strengthening of privacy protections in My Health Records

Key Points: 
  • OAIC welcomes strengthening of privacy protections in My Health Records
    Statement from the acting Australian Information Commissioner and acting Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk
    I welcome the Governments decision to strengthen privacy protections under the My Health Records Act.
  • The proposed amendments to require a court order to release any My Health Record information without consent will create certainty and enhance privacy safeguards for all Australians.
  • These proposed changes build on the existing privacy and security safeguards in the My Health Records Act, including sanctions enforceable by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
  • The OAIC will continue to work with Government, the Australian Digital Health Agency, the health sector, and the community to support strong privacy and security practice.

OAIC publishes annual report on digital health

Retrieved on: 
星期一, 十月 31, 2022

OAIC publishes annual report on digital health

Key Points: 
  • OAIC publishes annual report on digital health
    The independent privacy regulator for the My Health Record system and Healthcare Identifiers Service has detailed its compliance and monitoring activity in its 202021 digital health annual report.
  • Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk said the annual report highlights the OAICs work to ensure privacy measures for Australias digital health systems are upheld.
  • During the reporting period, the OAIC provided detailed privacy advice to stakeholders such as the Australian Digital Health Agency and Department of Health, including a submission to the review of the My Health Records Act.
  • Read the Annual report of the Australian Information Commissioners activities in relation to digital health 202021.

OAIC 2021 highlights

Retrieved on: 
星期一, 十月 31, 2022

OAIC 2021 highlights

Key Points: 
  • OAIC 2021 highlights
    15 December 2021
    Download our 2021 highlights infographic
    Long text description
    In 2021 the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner worked to increase public trust and confidence in the protection of personal information and access to government-held information.
  • Encourage and support proactive release of government information:
    - Developed FOI capabilities through new resources, guidelines, reports and information sessions
    - Released joint open by design principles for governments
    Advance online privacy protections:
    - Took regulatory action to protect Australians online, including an international joint investigation
    - Promoted and advised on Privacy Act review and Online Privacy Code
    - Oversaw new personal information handling practices to support the pandemic response and recovery
    Influence and uphold privacy and information access rights frameworks:
    - Regulated compliance with personal information security obligations through the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme and Consumer Data Right
    - Ensured more than 700 data breaches were notified to individuals, rectified and remedied
    - Finalised Commissioner-initiated investigations on high privacy impact technologies, security and FOI
    - Finalised more than 2,000 privacy complaints from individuals
    - Completed proactive assessments to enhance organisations privacy practices, including on CDR and COVIDSafe
    - Commenced proactive assessments of PIA register compliance and My Health Record access security policies
    - Issued national principles for handling personal information in the pandemic
    - Finalised almost 1,100 Information Commissioner reviews, up more than 10%
    - Finalised more than 160 FOI complaints, up more than 10%
    - Helped more than 13,000 people with privacy and FOI enquiries through our public information service
    - Influenced legislative and regulatory frameworks through 15 submissions on privacy and FOI matters
    - Worked with agencies to improve statutory processing timeframes for FOI
    Contemporary approach to regulation:
    - Engaged with Australian and international counterparts to promote regulatory cooperation and information rights
    - Provided international leadership to the data protection community through key roles in the Global Privacy Assembly
    - Raised awareness of regulatory focus through more than 40 events and presentations
    Support delivery of Digital Economy Strategy and Cyber Security Strategy:
    - Supported the accelerated rollout of the Consumer Data Right, through guidance, complaint handling processes and partnerships with CDR agencies
    - Advised government on development of Digital Identity System, Australian Data Strategy and My Health Records
    - Supported government consideration of cyber security regulation

SolarWinds Announces Winners of 2021 IT Pro Day Awards Program

Retrieved on: 
星期二, 九月 21, 2021

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, and secure IT management software, today announced the winners of its annual IT Pro Day Awards program.

Key Points: 
  • SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, and secure IT management software, today announced the winners of its annual IT Pro Day Awards program.
  • Created to honor IT Professionals Day , this year the program was expanded to welcome nominations from the IT community around the world.
  • The winners were selected by the SolarWinds Head Geeks : Leon Adato, Liz Beavers, Sascha Giese, Kevin Kline, Thomas LaRock, and Chrystal Taylor.
  • Our goal for supporting holidays like IT Pro Dayestablishing the IT Pro Day Awards program is to make tech pros feel valued, motivated, and excited to grow and advance their careers in the years to come.