Associated tags: Civic, Sheikh Hasina, Letter, Nobel Peace Prize, Courage, Cryptocurrency, 2010 Nobel Peace Prize, UN, The Washington Post, Woman, Government, Corruption, Grameen Bank, Sam Daley-Harris, Signature, Padma River, World Bank, State, Bono, World Bank Group


Global Leaders and Civic Courage Demand Justice for Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus

Retrieved on: 
Monday, January 29, 2024

In their letter, the leaders noted with concern "….the rushed legal process, and lack of consistency with regard to how Bangladesh's laws are applied.

Key Points: 
  • In their letter, the leaders noted with concern "….the rushed legal process, and lack of consistency with regard to how Bangladesh's laws are applied.
  • "I call on the Prime Minister to stop this senseless campaign against Professor Muhammad Yunus now."
  • "A social activist and Nobel laureate," Irene Khan warned, "who brought honor and pride to the country is being persecuted on frivolous grounds."
  • Sam Daley-Harris, the founder of Civic Courage, urged concerned citizens to respond to this call to action .

Global Leaders and Civic Courage Alarmed by Possible Jailing of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus, Call for Justice

Retrieved on: 
Monday, August 28, 2023

adding that they are "…concerned about his safety and freedom."

Key Points: 
  • adding that they are "…concerned about his safety and freedom."
  • This was a follow up to an earlier letter sent in March.
  • One of only seven people to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal, and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, Yunus has been under attack by Sheikh Hasina's government since 2010.
  • "The attacks on Muhammad Yunus are what you'd expect from an authoritarian government," said Sam Daley-Harris, the founder of Civic Courage and the anti-poverty nonprofit RESULTS.

Global Leaders and Civic Courage Stand Up for Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus

Retrieved on: 
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Muhammad Yunus, one of seven people in history to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal, and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, has been under attack by Sheikh Hasina and her government off and on since 2010.

Key Points: 
  • Muhammad Yunus, one of seven people in history to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal, and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, has been under attack by Sheikh Hasina and her government off and on since 2010.
  • "The attacks on Muhammad Yunus are exactly what you'd expect from an authoritarian government," said Sam Daley-Harris, founder of Civic Courage and the anti-poverty lobby RESULTS which began working closely with Muhammad Yunus in 1987.
  • Professor Yunus shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Grameen Bank in 2006.
  • The letter acknowledges Muhammad Yunus' contributions to Bangladesh and to the world and calls on the Prime Minister to suspend her harassment and persecution of him.