We Belong Together

Top Songwriters and Composers Urge Congress to Protect the Rights of American Music Creators During ASCAP "Stand with Songwriters" Advocacy Day on September 21

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Mercredi, septembre 20, 2023

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Award-winning songwriters and composers will convene on Capitol Hill tomorrow, September 21, to meet with elected officials as part of the annual American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers' (ASCAP) "Stand with Songwriters" Advocacy Day. They will urge Members of Congress to protect the rights of American music creators and defend the value of music in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).

Key Points: 
  • They will urge Members of Congress to protect the rights of American music creators and defend the value of music in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).
  • "True music comes from deep within our souls; it's human-first, heart songs, revealing and often healing our human condition," said ASCAP Chairman of the Board and President Paul Williams.
  • "Now we need Congress to put humans first, stand with songwriters and protect our rights to our own musical works.
  • ASCAP's congressional meetings will follow tonight's "We Write the Songs" concert at The Library of Congress, sponsored by The ASCAP Foundation.