Humboldt Prize

Gartner Announces Inaugural Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference in Sydney

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Mardi, décembre 5, 2023

Where: Hilton Sydney , 488 George Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2000, Australia

Key Points: 
  • Where: Hilton Sydney , 488 George Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2000, Australia
    Slowing growth, persistent high inflation, scarce expensive talent and global supply constraints continue to add pressure and drive volatility for CFOs and finance executives.
  • The conference agenda is split into four tracks , one for each role:
    Gartner Opening Keynote: The Human CFO: Leading in the Face of Perpetual Disruption with Gartner vice president analyst Nisha Bhandare and senior director analyst Clement Christensen.
  • Attendees will get exclusive access to live demos and peers case studies from solution providers at the forefront of finance technology.
  • To register and to find complete conference details, please visit the Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference website.

One-third of Meetings Are Unnecessary, Costing Companies Millions (and No One Is Happy About It)

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Lundi, septembre 26, 2022

The report found that almost a third of meetings are unnecessary and organizations waste millions of dollars on them.

Key Points: 
  • The report found that almost a third of meetings are unnecessary and organizations waste millions of dollars on them.
  • The expectations and norms around meeting culture in so many companies is highly damaged, Rogelberg describes.
  • Weve seen companies implement employee tracking software and mandate that employees return to in-office work, all with the goal of increasing productivity.
  • He is an award-winning teacher and recipient of the very prestigious Humboldt Award for his research on meetings.

Meetings Too Often Stifle Creativity and Inclusion Reports Worldwide Survey

Retrieved on: 
Lundi, décembre 20, 2021

"With the unprecedented use of virtual meetings since the start of the pandemic and the likelihood of increased hybrid meetings as the world finds a new normal, the survey suggests we must work much at improving interaction and efficiency – meeting derailers have not yet been solved,” said Rogelberg, Chancellor’s professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “Enabling all attendees to be more active participants -- regardless of geographic location -- will be critical. Maybe it's time to rethink the design of meetings with a focus to build for inclusion, creativity, maximum positive impact and draw inspiration from the most engaging formats we know, like workshops.”

Key Points: 
  • Participants reported that todays meetings often stifle creativity (56%) and inclusion (44%), respondents also reported they only felt comfortable sharing opinions that differ from the leader or the group consensus slightly more than half of the time (56%).
  • The survey was conducted in partnership with Dr. Steven Rogelberg , one of the foremost experts on meetings, recipient of the Humboldt Award for his research, and author of The Surprising Science of Meetings.
  • 61% of respondents mentioned that one-on-one meetings with their managers are useful and well-run while 42% said the meetings were stressful.
  • Respondents meetings were run in a way that promotes inclusion 56% of the time, on average -- meaning 44% of the time respondents felt inclusion was lacking.