Postal Workers' transformation plan for a strong public postal service for all

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Mardi, mai 7, 2024

"Public Postal services do have a future in this country and in the world.

Key Points: 
  • "Public Postal services do have a future in this country and in the world.
  • We have to grow toward it," says Jan Simpson, National President of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers.
  • CUPW believes that reimagining a postal service which offers expanded, innovative services – as many other postal services have done around the world – will put it on the right path.
  • Postal workers believe that growing and innovating to meet the needs of people, who cherish our postal services, is the real solution.

Saskatchewan teacher strike: It's about bargaining for the common good

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Mercredi, janvier 17, 2024

Both conservative commentators and the premier have argued the bargaining table is not the place for teachers to negotiate concerns about classroom issues.

Key Points: 
  • Both conservative commentators and the premier have argued the bargaining table is not the place for teachers to negotiate concerns about classroom issues.
  • Although bargaining is sometimes interpreted narrowly as a discussion over wages and benefits it is not, by its nature, limited to that.
  • Bargaining can — and has — acted as a democratic tool to expand public resources to areas beyond workplace compensation.

Bargaining classroom size

  • In Ontario, the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario has negotiated that the boards and government provide ongoing classroom size data to the union in order to determine future classroom ratios.
  • The court ruled the government’s decision to unilaterally prevent teachers from bargaining classroom size and composition was a violation of their constitutional rights to bargaining collectively.

Cuts to education

The dispute in Saskatchewan did not come out of nowhere. There has been a 10 per cent drop in per-student funding since 2012-2013. In 2017, the Saskatchewan Party government cut funding to public education by $22 million from the previous fiscal year. In the same period, enrolments have risen to record numbers. These issues pushed teachers to a collective bargaining dispute in 2019, but it was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Staffing crises

  • Becotte’s comments align with research showing attrition rates have hovered at close to 50 per cent over about the last decade.
  • Squeezed board budgets have meant an increase in fees to some Saskatoon and Regina parents for lunch-time supervision.
  • Numbers have dropped for many educational roles, including for educational assistants, English as an additional language teachers, counsellors, librarians, psychologists and other pathologists.

‘Parents rights’ issues

  • The government said this was an issue of parents’ rights.
  • Yet many others interpreted it as an attack on the ability of teachers to provide necessary support and guidance to kids in a safe and supportive environment.

Bargaining as important tool

  • Trying to prevent teachers from including issues surrounding unmet student needs in bargaining is to effectively leave the public in the dark on the conditions of our schools and render governments largely unaccountable.
  • The most important tool that all unionized workers have at their disposal is their ability to collectively bargain.
  • Many of these campaigns have been waged by teachers’ unions.

Unions driving change

  • CUPW’s success encouraged other unions to take a similar position and today public maternity/paternity leave is a universal public program.
  • Unions and their members have real power when they use the tools available to them to seek real workplace and community change.

Bargaining about trade-offs

  • Prioritizing issues related to what unions identify as key “common good” themes might mean that other issues cannot be highlighted.
  • While salaries and benefits will always be an issue, there is overwhelming teacher support for existing bargaining proposals.

Simon Enoch is a member of the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party Charles Smith does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

CUPW Supports the ILWU Workers Right to Strike

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Vendredi, juillet 7, 2023

OTTAWA, ON, July 7, 2023 /CNW/ - The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) is urging the B.C.

Key Points: 
  • OTTAWA, ON, July 7, 2023 /CNW/ - The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) is urging the B.C.
  • "CUPW is offering our full support and solidarity to the members of ILWU as their fight is a fight for all Canadian workers."
  • In 2011, CUPW workers were legislated back to work by the Harper government and again in 2018 by the Trudeau Government.
  • While many in corporate Canada are asking the federal government to intervene, CUPW is urging the government to respect workers' right to strike and rejects any calls for back-to-work legislation.

CUPW announces settlement agreement related to Libel Action against B'nai Brith Canada

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Mercredi, mai 24, 2023

OTTAWA, ON, May 24, 2023 /CNW/ - The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) announced today that it has entered into an agreement to settle (the "Settlement Agreement") the action of CUPW v B'nai Brith Canada et al., that is currently pending in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (the "Action").

Key Points: 
  • OTTAWA, ON, May 24, 2023 /CNW/ - The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) announced today that it has entered into an agreement to settle (the "Settlement Agreement") the action of CUPW v B'nai Brith Canada et al., that is currently pending in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (the "Action").
  • The Action concerns two articles which were published by B'nai Brith Canada and the other defendants in the summer of 2018, which CUPW states contained several false and defamatory statements.
  • Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, CUPW will receive an undisclosed amount in lieu of damages and the offending publications will be removed from the B'nai Brith website.
  • B'nai Brith Canada has apologized for the harm these publications may have caused CUPW and its members.

Historic win for CUPW's Jan Simpson as she is re-elected to a second term as National President

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Mardi, mai 9, 2023

OTTAWA, ON, May 9, 2023 /CNW/ - Jan Simpson, the first Black woman to lead a National Union in Canada, has been re-elected to an historic second term as National President of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW).

Key Points: 
  • OTTAWA, ON, May 9, 2023 /CNW/ - Jan Simpson, the first Black woman to lead a National Union in Canada, has been re-elected to an historic second term as National President of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW).
  • This gives her a decisive mandate to take the Union forward as it faces tough collective bargaining negotiations.
  • Rona Eckert has been elected 1st National Vice-President; Beverly Collins has been re-elected to her third term as National Secretary-Treasurer; Coleen Jones has been elected 2nd National Vice-President and Jody Hutton has been elected 3rd National Vice-President.
  • Simpson has been a trailblazer in the Canadian Labour movement becoming the first Black person elected to CUPW's National Executive Committee in 2015 serving as 1st National Vice-President.

CUPW National President to Treasury Board: Get Back to the Bargaining Table

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Vendredi, avril 28, 2023

OTTAWA, ON, April 28, 2023 /CNW/ - Today, Jan Simpson, President of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), called upon the federal government to stop the stonewalling and get back to the bargaining table.

Key Points: 
  • OTTAWA, ON, April 28, 2023 /CNW/ - Today, Jan Simpson, President of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), called upon the federal government to stop the stonewalling and get back to the bargaining table.
  • "The government must respect this right, return to the bargaining table, and negotiate a fair deal for these workers," reminds Simpson.
  • In 2011, CUPW workers were legislated back to work by the Harper government and again in 2018 by the Trudeau Government.
  • "CUPW is offering our full support and solidarity to the members of PSAC as their fight is a fight for all Canadian workers," concludes Simpson.

"CUPW Files Unfair Labour Practice Complaint Against Uber"

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Vendredi, septembre 16, 2022

On Thursday, Sept. 15, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), filed an unfair labour practices complaint with the Ontario Labour Relations Board against Uber for violating the Labour Relations Act.

Key Points: 
  • On Thursday, Sept. 15, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), filed an unfair labour practices complaint with the Ontario Labour Relations Board against Uber for violating the Labour Relations Act.
  • "Our labour laws prohibit an employer from favouring one union over another while workers are organizing," says Jan Simpson, CUPW National President.
  • Filing an Unfair Labour Practices complaint is how we do that."
  • The government cannot continue to let Uber undermine worker organizing and break the law to get their desired results," adds Simpson.

OFL urges action on the climate crisis saying, “Our province’s environmental survival hangs in the balance”

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Vendredi, avril 22, 2022

Doug Ford has deepened environmental racism, opened the doors to unfettered development, and ignored countless bids for a just transition, said Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) President Patty Coates.

Key Points: 
  • Doug Ford has deepened environmental racism, opened the doors to unfettered development, and ignored countless bids for a just transition, said Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) President Patty Coates.
  • She appealed to the public to vote Ford out on June 2 and join the province-wide day of action on May 1.
  • Coates added, until we eject Ford on election day, our provinces environmental survival hangs in the balance.
  • Grassy Narrows Chief, Randy Fobister, highlighted the impact Fords government has had on their land, that is already heavily polluted without due compensation.

REPEAT: MEDIA ADVISORY: Ontario Federation of Labour holds “Earth to May Day” press conference to address Ford’s attack on the environment

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Vendredi, avril 22, 2022

TORONTO, April 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Earth Day, environmental activists and Ontario Federation of Labour and First Nation leaderswill hold a press conference in response to the Ford governments attack on our land, air, and water.

Key Points: 
  • TORONTO, April 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Earth Day, environmental activists and Ontario Federation of Labour and First Nation leaderswill hold a press conference in response to the Ford governments attack on our land, air, and water.
  • The press conference will also highlight the upcoming May 1 day of action.
  • On Friday, April 22 at 11 a.m., labour leaders from the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), and the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) will be joined by First Nation leaders and environmental activists to talk about Fords environmental racism, unfettered development initiatives, and the alarming need for a just transition.
  • Register in advance for this webinar:

MEDIA ADVISORY: Ontario Federation of Labour holds “Earth to May Day” press conference to address Ford’s attack on the environment

Retrieved on: 
Jeudi, avril 21, 2022

TORONTO, April 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Earth Day, environmental activists and Ontario Federation of Labour and First Nation leaderswill hold a press conference in response to the Ford governments attack on our land, air, and water.

Key Points: 
  • TORONTO, April 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Earth Day, environmental activists and Ontario Federation of Labour and First Nation leaderswill hold a press conference in response to the Ford governments attack on our land, air, and water.
  • The press conference will also highlight the upcoming May 1 day of action.
  • On Friday, April 22 at 11 a.m., labour leaders from the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), and the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) will be joined by First Nation leaders and environmental activists to talk about Fords environmental racism, unfettered development initiatives, and the alarming need for a just transition.
  • Register in advance for this webinar: