
Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, Visits the Shenzhen Data Exchange to Foster Relationship

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Dimanche, juin 11, 2023

Date: 7 June 2023

Key Points: 
  • Date: 7 June 2023
    Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, Visits
    the Shenzhen Data Exchange to Foster Relationship
    The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (PCPD) visited the Shenzhen Data Exchange in Shenzhen on 6 June to deepen the understanding of each other’s work and exchange views on the parties’ future collaboration and the promotion of digital economy.
  • The Data Exchange serves as a demonstration of data marketisation and provides transaction models in the Mainland’s development of a digital economy.
  • Hong Kong’s Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, said, “The PCPD is grateful for the hospitality of the Shenzhen Data Exchange.
  • The PCPD looks forward to fostering its collaboration with the Shenzhen Data Exchange in the future with a view to making further contributions to the development of the digital economy of the country.”
    Hong Kong’s Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (4th from right), the Assistant Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Legal, Global Affairs & Research), Ms Cecilia SIU Wing-sze (2nd from right) and representatives of the PCPD visited the Shenzhen Data Exchange and took a group photo with Ms WANG Guan (3rd from right), Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Data Exchange and other representatives.

CGTN: Why does China stick to the path of common prosperity?

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Mardi, juin 6, 2023

He is China's first beekeeper to successfully utilize the technique, introduced by the district government in 2016.

Key Points: 
  • He is China's first beekeeper to successfully utilize the technique, introduced by the district government in 2016.
  • It took the young bee farmer five years to fully implement the new technique, and now it is helping his family and local beekeepers live a "sweet" life.
  • Over 360 low-income farmers in Miyun have shaken off poverty since joining the beekeeping project.
  • It has helped local beekeepers learn advanced apiculture techniques and provided them with high-quality queen bees at no charge.

CGTN: Why does China stick to the path of common prosperity?

Retrieved on: 
Mardi, juin 6, 2023

He is China's first beekeeper to successfully utilize the technique, introduced by the district government in 2016.

Key Points: 
  • He is China's first beekeeper to successfully utilize the technique, introduced by the district government in 2016.
  • It took the young bee farmer five years to fully implement the new technique, and now it is helping his family and local beekeepers live a "sweet" life.
  • Over 360 low-income farmers in Miyun have shaken off poverty since joining the beekeeping project.
  • It has helped local beekeepers learn advanced apiculture techniques and provided them with high-quality queen bees at no charge.

Tanzania has moved its capital from Dar after a 50-year wait - but is Dodoma ready?

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Dimanche, juin 4, 2023

Tanzania designated Dodoma as its new capital in place of the seaside city of Dar es Salaam following a public referendum 50 years ago.

Key Points: 
  • Tanzania designated Dodoma as its new capital in place of the seaside city of Dar es Salaam following a public referendum 50 years ago.
  • Since then, the country has made small steps towards this goal – including the relocation of Parliament in 2017 – but Dodoma remained the national capital only in name.

What’s the background to Tanzania’s capital city relocation?

    • To take advantage of Dar es Salaam’s protected harbour, the German government chose Dar es Salaam as the capital of German East Africa rather than the well-established port of Bagamoyo a mere 60km north.
    • The first president of Tanzania, Julius Kambarage Nyerere, announced the planned move from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma in 1973.
    • It was decided that Dar es Salaam would continue to serve as the nation’s principal port and commercial capital.
    • Dodoma was a capital nobody desired, and some called it a political hoax or a white elephant project.

Why was the relocation necessary?

    • Moving the capital aimed to redistribute some of the population and ease pressure on resources and public services in Dar es Salaam.
    • The rate of population growth in Dar es Salaam region has decreased from 5.6% in 2012 to 2.1% in 2022.
    • Uneven development: Tanzania’s development was heavily concentrated in Dar es Salaam and other coastal regions.

Why has it taken so long?

    • Despite the clear benefits, the relocation process has been slow due to a combination of political, economic, and logistical factors.
    • But the 50-year journey culminated on 20 May 2023, with the opening of the new State House building in Chamwino, Dodoma.

What challenges does Dodoma face as the new capital?

    • Two districts in Dodoma region, Dodoma and Chamwino, comprise the new capital city with roughly 765,179 and 486,176 people respectively.
    • Service provision in Dodoma has been improving but still lags behind Dar es Salaam.
    • It is anticipated that by the end of 2023, more than 1,500 officials will have moved to Dodoma as part of the relocation.
    • Despite these efforts by the government, Dodoma might not be fully ready to handle a massive population influx from other regions.

What can Tanzania learn from other African countries?

    • The country can also learn from South Africa’s approach of developing more than one city as a capital.
    • Tanzania should continue to invest in the development of Dar es Salaam as an economic hub and maximise its growth potential.
    • By considering these lessons, Tanzania can ensure a successful transition, and promote long-term growth and development in Dodoma and the whole country.

Spanish elections: why devastating local losses to the right have forced socialist prime minister Pedro Sánchez to call an early national vote

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Jeudi, juin 1, 2023

The local and regional elections that took place the 28th May have shaken up the political chessboard in Spain.

Key Points: 
  • The local and regional elections that took place the 28th May have shaken up the political chessboard in Spain.
  • The right-wing Partido Popular took the largest proportion of votes and now has the largest number of seats in local and regional governments.
  • In one fell swoop the socialist party has lost around 70% of the local and regional power it had.

National identity

    • Ideas about identity and nationalism came to play an important part in what were supposed to be elections about local matters.
    • During the last week of the campaign in particular, national issues dominated the discourse.
    • The Partido Popular has constructed a rhetoric of being the only party defending the constitution and the union of the country.
    • The party, presided over by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has absorbed the main voters from Ciudadanos, the Catalan political start-up that was at first phenomenally successful when it came to national prominence in 2015 but has already almost disappeared.

Political leadership

    • He has managed to boost his international image with good performances in Europe and occasional visits to Washington and Beijing.
    • But there is little time for Sumar to establish a strategy that can turn a social movement into a political entity with representation in the provinces.
    • Meanwhile, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, of the Spanish People’s Party, proposes a quiet style of leadership.


    • He lost three MPs in the 2019 rerun election and now he has lost ground in many regions.
    • In Catalonia, his acceptance is growing, but the seats it brings to the general elections are not enough.
    • In this situation, Sánchez’s only chance is to get as near to his current 120 parliamentary seats as he can.
    • Whereas local elections weren’t supposed to be a plebiscite on national government, next 23rd of July seems to be the rerun of a general election whose first round took place last weekend.

Wuhan hosts fascinating storytellers

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Mardi, mai 30, 2023

BEIJING, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from China Daily:

Key Points: 
  • BEIJING, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from China Daily:
    A special presentation on "The Practice of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era in Hubei" was held in Wuhan, Hubei province on Tuesday, with six guests sharing their fascinating stories.
  • Zhou Zongkun, a member of a satellite navigation and positioning technology research center at Wuhan University, revealed the behind-the-scenes application of China's successful Beidou satellite navigation system.
  • After graduating from university in 2014 she returned to her hometown and leveraged e-commerce tools to sell local agricultural products.
  • Mao Weiqi, chief engineer of China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group, pointed out that as the "city of bridge design" Wuhan is constantly breaking world records in bridge construction.

Fraser Institute News Release: Reality of socialism in Poland serves as a stark warning to the 50% of young Canadians who favour socialism

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Mercredi, mai 24, 2023

Their freedom was curtailed and they were generally miserable,” said Matt Mitchell, Fraser Institute senior fellow and co-author of the upcoming book The Road to Socialism and Back: An Economic History of Poland, 1939–2019.

Key Points: 
  • Their freedom was curtailed and they were generally miserable,” said Matt Mitchell, Fraser Institute senior fellow and co-author of the upcoming book The Road to Socialism and Back: An Economic History of Poland, 1939–2019.
  • Standards of living in Poland were about 40 per cent of U.S. living standards (as measured by per capita GDP).
  • The new book is especially important, given recent polling findings by Leger, commissioned for the Fraser Institute in the fall of 2022.
  • That survey found that 42 per cent of all Canadians—and fully 50 per cent of young Canadians aged 18-24—support socialism as their preferred economic system.

The presidential campaign of Convict 9653

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Mardi, avril 18, 2023

Trump is unlikely to wind up in an orange jumpsuit, at least not on this indictment, and probably not before November 2024, in any case.

Key Points: 
  • Trump is unlikely to wind up in an orange jumpsuit, at least not on this indictment, and probably not before November 2024, in any case.
  • Yet if he does, he would not be the first candidate to run for the White House from the Big House.
  • In the election of 1920, Eugene V. Debs, the Socialist Party presidential candidate, polled nearly a million votes without ever hitting the campaign trail.
  • By the time he was imprisoned for sedition, Eugene Victor Debs had enjoyed a lifetime of running afoul of government authority.

Representing American socialism

    • For the next 30 years, Debs was the face of socialism in America.
    • He ran for president four times, in 1900, 1904, 1908 and 1912, garnering around a million votes in the last cycle.
    • In April 1917, when America joined World War I’s bloodbath in Europe, Debs became a fierce opponent of American involvement in what he saw as a death cult orchestrated by rapacious munitions manufacturers.
    • One June 18, 1918, in an address in Canton, Ohio, he declared that American boys were “fit for something better than for cannon fodder.” In short order, he was arrested and convicted of violating the Sedition Act.

A ‘front cell’ campaign

    • Yet Debs did not let incarceration keep his message from the voters.
    • In a wry response to Harding’s “front porch” campaign style, in which the Republican candidate received visits from the front porch of his home in Marion, Ohio, the Socialist Party announced that its candidate would conduct a “front cell” campaign from Atlanta.
    • The New York Times was aghast that a felon might canvass for votes from the motion picture screen.

Public opinion turns

    • Debs was a distant third, but he had won 3.4% of the electorate – 913,693 votes.
    • Debs’ personal best showing was in the presidential election of 1912, with 6% of the vote.
    • But public opinion had turned emphatically in favor of the convict-candidate.
    • He raised his hat in one hand, his cane in the other, and waved back at them.

The Religious Forum of Boao Forum for Asia 2023 Raises Human Civilization to a New Level

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Lundi, avril 3, 2023

President Liu Chengyong shared his efforts in promoting Taoism in Europe over the last several years. He quoted the famous proverb from the Tao Te Ching -- "The supreme goodness is like water. It benefits all things without contention" to explain the fact that just as water nourishes all things, so too does civilization. No civilization is superior to others; they only vary from one another. What we need is to respect each other and treat each other as equals, so we can work to promote interaction, dialogue, and harmony among civilizations. Mr. Liu brought his speech to a climax by standing up and guiding the audience through the Taoist stake-standing exercise, earning him a standing ovation.

Key Points: 
  • BOAO, China, April 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Boosting Mutual Learning Among Civilizations & Promoting Religious Unity talk at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2023 was held in Boao, Hainan province, China.
  • It benefits all things without contention" to explain the fact that just as water nourishes all things, so too does civilization.
  • Through platforms such as the Boao Religious Forum, we can discover these shared human values and work to advance our mutual development and cooperation.
  • This demonstrated that inclusiveness and openness not only promote the development of religion but also the prosperity of global civilization.

The Religious Forum of Boao Forum for Asia 2023 Raises Human Civilization to a New Level

Retrieved on: 
Lundi, avril 3, 2023

BOAO, China, April 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Boosting Mutual Learning Among Civilizations & Promoting Religious Unity talk at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2023 was held in Boao, Hainan province, China.

Key Points: 
  • BOAO, China, April 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Boosting Mutual Learning Among Civilizations & Promoting Religious Unity talk at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2023 was held in Boao, Hainan province, China.
  • It benefits all things without contention" to explain the fact that just as water nourishes all things, so too does civilization.
  • Through platforms such as the Boao Religious Forum, we can discover these shared human values and work to advance our mutual development and cooperation.
  • This demonstrated that inclusiveness and openness not only promote the development of religion but also the prosperity of global civilization.