2021 Australian Parliament House sexual misconduct allegations

New report into Lehrmann prosecution mires case in yet more controversy

Retrieved on: 
星期一, 八月 7, 2023

The ACT government on Monday officially released the report from the inquiry into the prosecution of former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann over the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins in Parliament House in 2019.

Key Points: 
  • The ACT government on Monday officially released the report from the inquiry into the prosecution of former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann over the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins in Parliament House in 2019.
  • The ACT government said it’s considering charging Sofonoff in relation to releasing the report to journalists ahead of the embargo.

What did the report find?

    • The report makes “several serious findings of misconduct” against former Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold.
    • Despite this, the report found the prosecution was properly brought – in other words, that the decision to prosecute was appropriate.
    • However, Sofronoff does state:
      although I think that police investigators accomplished a thorough investigation, I have found that they made some mistakes.
    • None of these mistakes actually affected the substance of the investigation and none of them prejudiced the case.
    • Likewise, the report finds the victims of crime commissioner acted appropriately, and her support of Higgins didn’t undermine Lehrmann’s presumption of innocence.

Why was the inquiry established?

    • The inquiry was established last year after a public airing of conflict between ACT police and Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold regarding the Lehrmann case.
    • Lehrmann was tried on one count of sexual intercourse without consent in the ACT Supreme Court in October 2022.
    • Read more:
      Lehrmann inquiry: what's a director of public prosecutions or DPP?

Rape myths and the criminal justice system

    • For example, there has been a steady leak of Higgins’ private communications, which weren’t part of the public trial process.
    • This is despite the likelihood that such leaks would undermine confidence in the criminal justice system and are deeply distressing to Higgins.
    • Read more:
      Lehrmann retrial abandoned because of 'a significant and unacceptable risk' to Brittany Higgins' life

Public confidence in the criminal justice system

    • In setting up the inquiry, the ACT government acknowledged “the need for public confidence in the criminal justice system”.
    • Indeed the report, and particularly the early publication of its findings in the media, have wrought further damage to the criminal justice system, brought more harm to those involved, and will most likely undermine confidence in the system.

Grattan on Friday: ICAC shows it has the power to break public figures, but doesn't escape criticism itself

Retrieved on: 
星期四, 六月 29, 2023

Morrison wanted Berejiklian as candidate because she was a vote magnet; he dismissed ICAC as a kangaroo court.

Key Points: 
  • Morrison wanted Berejiklian as candidate because she was a vote magnet; he dismissed ICAC as a kangaroo court.
  • For many female voters, Berejiklian was the poster face for how high women could fly in politics.
  • The phone taps of their conversations, in which Berejiklian turned a deliberately deaf ear to Maguire’s dodgy dealings, were devastating.
  • It was, however, not until a year later that Berejiklian resigned, after ICAC turned its blowtorch directly on to her.
  • Under the NACC’s act, a public official engages in corrupt conduct if they breach public trust, abuse their office, or misuse official information.
  • While the NACC has strong public support, the experience of ICAC indicates any anti-corruption body will inevitably, over the years, find itself at the centre of intense controversies.
  • With the power to break public figures, the stakes in some investigations will be very high.

Referendum bill to pass on Monday while government pulls out stops to try to secure housing fund

Retrieved on: 
星期日, 六月 18, 2023

After marathon debates in both houses, a vote in the Senate early Monday will see the parliamentary process for the referendum done.

Key Points: 
  • After marathon debates in both houses, a vote in the Senate early Monday will see the parliamentary process for the referendum done.
  • "Now that we have almost finished the work in the parliament, the campaigns will kick in,” she told Sky.
  • As it battles for Greens support for its housing fund, the government announced at the weekend an immediate $2 billion for an accelerated social housing program.
  • Albanese and housing minister Julie Collins said there could be “some flexibility” in how the money is spent.

Grattan on Friday: Liberals come a cropper when they try to dig afresh into the Brittany Higgins story

Retrieved on: 
星期四, 六月 15, 2023

But the scalp wasn’t that of Finance Minister Katy Gallagher, who was targeted by the Liberals.

Key Points: 
  • But the scalp wasn’t that of Finance Minister Katy Gallagher, who was targeted by the Liberals.
  • The Liberals knew their pursuit of Gallagher for allegedly misleading parliament over her knowledge of the Brittany Higgins matter would carry some political risk.
  • But they could never have imagined they’d be damaged in such a dramatic fashion, ceding one of their senators to the crossbench.
  • Federal politics, the tone of which has been better than in the last parliamentary term, once again descended into a toxic mire.
  • I would open the door slightly and check the coast was clear before stepping out,” she said.
  • The latest round of the Higgins issue has also been entangled in what we can call the media wars.
  • Regardless of this, many members of the public, hearing the news reports of this week, will conclude little has changed.

View from The Hill: Brittany Higgins story continues its damaging trail, with no end in sight

Retrieved on: 
星期一, 六月 12, 2023

It will forever haunt Higgins, who alleged she was raped in 2019 in a minister’s office, and Bruce Lehrmann, who denied committing the alleged assault.

Key Points: 
  • It will forever haunt Higgins, who alleged she was raped in 2019 in a minister’s office, and Bruce Lehrmann, who denied committing the alleged assault.
  • In a testy exchange with Reynolds at a Senate estimates committee in 2021, Gallagher insisted she’d had no knowledge before the story broke.
  • Most recently, she was angered when not allowed into the mediation that saw Higgins receive a large sum of Commonwealth money.
  • Reynolds intends to refer this payout to the National Anti-Corruption Commission, which commences operating on July 1.
  • Regardless of that, in the name of transparency, the government should provide the details of the payment.
  • Meanwhile, there’s a lot still to come in this story, even apart from what happens in defamation actions Lehrmann has launched.

Lehrmann inquiry: what's a director of public prosecutions or DPP? A legal expert explains

Retrieved on: 
星期六, 五月 27, 2023

Every Australian state and territory, and the Commonwealth itself, has a Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Key Points: 
  • Every Australian state and territory, and the Commonwealth itself, has a Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
  • Their main role is to initiate and conduct prosecutions of serious crimes in the superior courts.
  • If police charge a suspect for a serious crime, they prepare a brief of evidence and provide it to the office of the DPP.
  • If the prosecutor decides to prosecute a serious crime, the lives of the defendant and the victim are changed forever.
  • Reasonable minds often differ on prosecutorial decisions, and disagreement can be a healthy “check and balance” within the system.

What is a DPP?

    • They sell their worth to voters by showing themselves to be “tough on crime” and on the people who commit crime.
    • They should only prosecute a case if it’s in the public interest and there’s a reasonable prospect of a conviction.
    • The outcome of any trial must be fair and just, and not simply a “notch in the belt” of a prosecutor.

Political dilemma

    • An increasingly cynical public had trouble accepting that an attorney-general could really make decisions about prosecutions without being influenced by the political consequences for themselves, their party or their government.
    • So there’s a balancing issue: how to make sure prosecutorial decisions are not so political that they are made in the short-term interests of governments, but political enough that they reflect community standards.
    • To put the dilemma in legal terms, how do we achieve independence, accountability and the public interest in prosecutorial decisions?

An odd compromise

    • The question is answered in Australia by way of a rather odd compromise.
    • The DPP makes prosecutorial decisions in a statutory office independent of politics, but the DPP is appointed by the governor, who is advised by the government.
    • DPPs are appointed for limited terms (unlike judges who are appointed until retirement), so if they displease the government, they may not be reappointed.

Why is there an inquiry into the Bruce Lehrmann trial? Legal experts explain

Retrieved on: 
星期二, 四月 18, 2023

On Monday, opening statements were delivered in an inquiry into the prosecution of Lehrmann over the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins.

Key Points: 
  • On Monday, opening statements were delivered in an inquiry into the prosecution of Lehrmann over the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins.
  • Lehrmann has always maintained his innocence, pleading not guilty to a charge of sexual intercourse without consent.
  • Read more:
    Lehrmann retrial abandoned because of 'a significant and unacceptable risk' to Brittany Higgins' life

‘Inappropriate interference’

    • It prosecutes criminal cases in the ACT, operating free from government influence.
    • That is, free from the parliament and the executive, which includes police ministers and police commissioners.
    • In other words, the DPP is to remain above politics, and stick entirely to principles of law, and agreed prosecutorial guidelines.

The task ahead

    • Sofronoff has quite the task ahead of him.
    • The decision as to whether to proceed with a prosecution remains with the DPP.
    • That is, the discretionary guidelines given to the DPP by legislation in relation to their choice to prosecute.
    • Rick Sarre is affiliated with the SA Labor Party, and is a Patron of the Justice Reform Initiative.