Equal Exchange

Leading Businesses Sign Fairtrade Pledge To Support 1.8 Million Farmers Calling For Climate Justice

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星期五, 十月 8, 2021

Fairtrade businesses worldwide are supporting Fairtrade farmers in their call for climate justice.

Key Points: 
  • Fairtrade businesses worldwide are supporting Fairtrade farmers in their call for climate justice.
  • In the pledge, developed by Fairtrade as part of its Be Fair With Your Climate Promise campaign, the companies commit to take accountability for their own climate impact.
  • The business pledge follows the publication of an open letter from1.8 million Fairtrade farmers and workersacrossAfrica, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean earlier this week.
  • Fairtrade International is an independent non-profit organization representing 1.8 million farmers and workers worldwide.

Fairtrade America's Second Annual "Choose Fairtrade. Choose The World You Want." Campaign Raises Awareness Of Fairtrade's Positive Impacts on People and the Planet

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星期五, 十月 1, 2021

The 'Choose Fairtrade. Choose the world you want.' campaign features murals in three major U.S. cities -- Austin, Minneapolis, and Tacoma, Wash. -- that connect stories of the people who produce the things we enjoy every day, such as cocoa, bananas, coffee and more, to the positive impacts of Fairtrade. Now in its second year, this campaign brought inspiring murals to Denver, Los Angeles and Nashville in 2020. Throughout October, consumers can participate in online giveaways and learn more about Fairtrade via educational resources at choosefairtrade.org. When shoppers see the Fairtrade America label on a product, it means farmers were fairly compensated and the ingredients were sourced in compliance with Fairtrade's rigorous gender equality, fair wage, climate change and child labor standards.

Key Points: 
  • Now in its second year, this campaign brought inspiring murals to Denver, Los Angeles and Nashville in 2020.
  • Throughout October, consumers can participate in online giveaways and learn more about Fairtrade via educational resources at choosefairtrade.org .
  • Choosing Fairtrade certified products actively supports initiatives that fight poverty, foster gender equality and more across the globe."
  • Local artist Mari Shibuya portrayed Carmen Mueses, a member of a Fairtrade certified cocoa cooperative, CONACADO, in the Dominican Republic.