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New MBTI® Personality Type-based Guide Celebrates World Earth Day

Retrieved on: 
Friday, April 21, 2023

SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Since its start in 1970, Earth Day has inspired several important pieces of legislation including the Clean Air, the Water Quality Improvement, and the Endangered Species acts. Unfortunately, humans today use significantly more natural resources than 30 years ago, and a rising number of plant/animal species face extinction.

Key Points: 
  • Knowing your MBTI personality type can help you understand your strengths and how you're motivated – even when it comes to your own sustainability efforts.
  • To celebrate World Earth Day this year, The Myers-Briggs Company (a Certified B Corp®) created an Earth Day infographic to help people understand the most impactful ways they can lower their carbon footprint, and how they can leverage Myers-Briggs personality type strengths to protect our planet's future.
  • The new infographic shares how your MBTI personality type might inform which planet-protecting activities you'll enjoy.
  • Visitors can also download one of 16 Earth Day-themed virtual backgrounds (one for each MBTI type) as a sustainability reminder on Earth Day, and every day.