The Sigma Protocol

ErgoHack Fest: Co-Presented by the Ergo Foundation and ErgoPad

Retrieved on: 
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

In just a short amount of time, ErgoHacks have helped build tools and dApps that are now key pieces of infrastructure in the Ergo ecosystem.

Key Points: 
  • In just a short amount of time, ErgoHacks have helped build tools and dApps that are now key pieces of infrastructure in the Ergo ecosystem.
  • For the next ErgoHack, we are pleased to announce that the Ergo Foundation and ErgoPad (Ergos IDO launchpad) are partnering to present this event over a three week period.
  • As has been in the past, the competition will welcome solo and team participants (of up to 6 people in the group) to the Ergo Discord Server .
  • As a previous participant in ErgoHack II, ErgoPad is an ideal partner for co-hosting ErgoHack Fest.