GOfermentor® wins innovation award for the Wine Industry

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Monday, November 18, 2019

"The wine industry can be slow to change, so it is invigorating to have experts like Vijay Singh come into the industry and bring their fresh approach and knowledge from another industry to winemaking.

Key Points: 
  • "The wine industry can be slow to change, so it is invigorating to have experts like Vijay Singh come into the industry and bring their fresh approach and knowledge from another industry to winemaking.
  • The GOfermentor has the potential to cause a paradigm shift for small lot winemaking.
  • "- George Christie, President Wine Industry Network
    When grapes are crushed, they are placed into a one ton GOfermentor single use bag and the unit is programmed to automatically perform punchdowns at regular intervals.
  • The plastic bag protects the wine from unwanted exposures from yeast, oxygen, smoke, and bacteria from the outside environment.