Founded by Former Apple, Google and Uber AI Engineering Leaders, Galileo Launches to Give Data Scientists the Superpowers They Need for Unstructured Data Machine Learning With $5.1 Million in Seed Funding

“There are many MLOps platforms available on the market today, each fully capable of orchestrating the model lifecycle,” said Bradley Shimmin, Chief Analyst of AI Platforms, Analytics and Data Management. “However, when it comes to addressing the complex problem of inspecting and fixing the data -- especially for unstructured data -- many platforms still presume that enterprise practitioners work with data they already know and trust across the ML lifecycle. This couldn't be further from the truth and is one of the biggest bottlenecks for ML adoption today. What they need are tools that elevate the importance of data from the outset, putting data with a capital ‘D’ back into Data Science. Galileo is tackling this critical need head on.”