Crimes Act 1961

Promises to get tough on youth crime might win votes – but the evidence shows it hasn’t worked for NZ

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월요일, 10월 2, 2023

Already, the Ram Raid Offending and Related Measures Amendment Bill is working through the legislative process.

Key Points: 
  • Already, the Ram Raid Offending and Related Measures Amendment Bill is working through the legislative process.
  • Labour in government also announced new high-needs youth justice units, drawing criticism from opposition parties and justice reform advocates.
  • ACT wants 200 new youth justice beds and responsibility for youth justice to move from children’s ministry Oranga Tamariki to the Department of Corrections.

Treating symptoms not causes

    • The model of family empowerment, restorative justice, diversion from court prosecution and reintegration in society became known internationally.
    • Youth justice was a central facet of National’s election campaign to end three terms of Labour-led government.
    • This can be seen in the disproportionate impact of the criminal justice system on Māori and Pacific youth.
    • Failing to address the complex developmental and social drivers of youth crime means those statistics are unlikely to change.

What is working?

    • There is also considerable evidence of the influence young people’s gradual cognitive and social development can have on criminal behaviour.
    • These age-related factors include reduced impulse control, difficulty with future planning, greater risk taking and susceptibility to peer influence.
    • At the same time, age also offers an increased potential for positive change.

Trust the evidence

    • But there is a disproportionately high number of youth justice beds here relative to other comparable countries, especially considering the system struggles with mental health support.
    • Rather than lowering the age of criminal responsibility, the eligible age for appearing in the youth courts would be raised.
    • She receives funding from Ara Poutama to develop and deliver Mana Wahine programmes at Christchurch Women's Prison.