Baroness Casey

Stephen Lawrence murder: what new suspect adds to our understanding of this landmark case

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水曜日, 6月 28, 2023

More than 30 years after the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence, London’s Metropolitan Police have named a new suspect.

Key Points: 
  • More than 30 years after the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence, London’s Metropolitan Police have named a new suspect.
  • As Deputy Assistant Commissioner Matt Ward remarked, the police made numerous mistakes in their initial investigation of the attack.
  • Lawrence and his friend Duwayne Brooks were targeted in an unprovoked racist attack by a gang of white youths.

Arrests and acquittals

    • But it was two weeks before they made any arrests.
    • During this time, police twice observed the suspects removing large rubbish bags from their homes, potentially destroying incriminating evidence.
    • This too resulted in acquittals, due to similar conclusions of a lack of evidence.

Macpherson inquiry

    • Sir William Macpherson, a retired high court judge, was tasked with examining the circumstances of Lawrence’s murder and the police’s ineffectual investigation.
    • The Macpherson report concluded that senior Met officials failed in their leadership, and outlined numerous examples of professional incompetence.
    • As one activist declared: “We taught Macpherson and Macpherson taught the world.”

Impact felt today

    • Two decades later, Macpherson’s damning declaration of the Met as institutionally racist has had limited impact.
    • More recent studies have found little actual evidence of changes in police culture.
    • The 2023 Baroness Casey review found that the force is still institutionally racist, as well as institutionally misogynistic and homophobic.