Kenya Army Infantry

InterSystems Technology Supports Quality Care for Veterans Nationwide

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Mercredi, avril 12, 2023

InterSystems , a creative data technology provider dedicated to helping customers solve the most critical scalability, interoperability, and speed problems, today announced it is showcasing Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs at the HIMSS annual conference that deliver quality care to veterans nationwide.

Key Points: 
  • InterSystems , a creative data technology provider dedicated to helping customers solve the most critical scalability, interoperability, and speed problems, today announced it is showcasing Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs at the HIMSS annual conference that deliver quality care to veterans nationwide.
  • Their solutions help providers obtain a full picture of a patient’s health history and enable veterans’ access to critical care.
  • While there are many VA integration partners using the InterSystems license, two VA initiatives will be presented at HIMSS which provide examples of the successful use of InterSystems technology at VA.
  • To illustrate how InterSystems can serve healthcare data integration needs, the InterSystems and VA teams are presenting at the InterSystems Innovation Showcase at booth #942 at HIMSS.