Le Chiffre

'The wilderness of mirrors': 70 years since the first James Bond book, spy stories are still blurring fact and fiction

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Mercredi, avril 12, 2023

With these opening words, Ian Fleming (1908-64) introduced us to the gritty, glamorous world of James Bond.

Key Points: 
  • With these opening words, Ian Fleming (1908-64) introduced us to the gritty, glamorous world of James Bond.
  • Fleming’s first novel, Casino Royale, was published 70 years ago on April 13 1953.
  • British readers, still living with rationing and shortages after the war, eagerly devoured the first James Bond story.
  • It had expensive liquor and cars, exotic destinations, and high-stakes gambling – luxurious things beyond the reach of most people.

Ian Fleming, Agent 17F

    • He only lasted a year at military college (where he contracted gonorrhoea), then missed out on a job with the Foreign Office.
    • The director of British Naval Intelligence, Admiral John Henry Godfrey, recruited Fleming as his assistant.
    • Fleming excelled, under the codename 17F.
    • They would obtain a German bomber, dress British men in German uniforms, and deliberately crash the plane into the channel.
    • Fleming claimed he played against a German agent at the tables, an experience that supposedly inspired Bond’s gambling battles with Le Chiffre in Casino Royale.
    • Fleming also pointed to Sidney Reilly, a Russian-born British agent during the First World War.

The changing world of Bond

    • Bond novels still sold well, especially after John F. Kennedy listed one among his top ten books.
    • From Casino Royale to For Your Eyes Only (1960), Bond battled SMERSH, a real Soviet counter-espionage organisation.
    • The early Bond novels were Cold War stories.
    • In the novels, Bond drove Bentleys – the Aston Martin was introduced in the 1964 film Goldfinger.
    • Their female characters do more than just spend a night with Bond before their untimely deaths.
    • But the revised Bond novels will include a disclaimer noting the removals.

Spies After Bond

    • Le Carré introduced his readers to a more mundane, morally grey world of espionage.
    • He thought Bond was a gangster rather than a spy.
    • There’s a little more Bond in Mathews’ books than in those of le Carré or Rimington.
    • The more tedious and banal aspects of spycraft – brush passes, broken transmitters, and dead drops – accompany the glamour and romance.

The wilderness of mirrors

    • The real world of espionage is so secret that most of us only ever encounter it on pages or screens.
    • We don’t usually look to Bond films for accurate representations of espionage.
    • But the influence of Fleming’s spy and the general aura of secrecy surrounding intelligence work lend some glamour and excitement to the work of real spies.
    • This is why the CIA invests time and money into fictionalisations dealing with its work.