Temple Mount

Israel-Hamas conflict: Ramadan brings fresh fears of escalation on both Gaza Strip and West Bank

Retrieved on: 
Mercredi, mars 13, 2024

A sea corridor has been opened between Cyprus and Gaza and the first shipments of aid are arriving from Europe.

Key Points: 
  • A sea corridor has been opened between Cyprus and Gaza and the first shipments of aid are arriving from Europe.
  • But it’s thought that it will be difficult to get a sufficient amount of food, fuel and medicine in by sea.
  • Ramadan is a central event in the Islamic holy calendar, commemorating Muhammad’s first revelation of what would later become the Qur'an.
  • The death toll, according to the Gaza health ministry, has topped 31,000 with nearly 73,000 more people injured.

West Bank

  • Instead of being bustling with activity, the narrow alleys of the Old City were almost empty, with many local shops closed.
  • According to Surah 17 in the Qur'an, Muhammad ascended to heaven from the site of Al-Aqsa after his miraculous night journey from Mecca.
  • The holy site is traditionally visited by tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims each day as part of their Ramadan celebrations.
  • That instantly resulted in scuffles at one of the shrine’s entrances, with Israeli officers using batons on the Palestinian crowd.

Carlo Aldrovandi does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Imaginative New Fiction is the Exciting Sequel to The Warrior Surprises Gog and Magog

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Lundi, octobre 30, 2023

PONTE VEDRA, Fla., Oct. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Author Timothy Runkel treats readers to the sequel of The Warrior Surprises Gog and Magog, a new book titled The Temple and Babylon Rise Again ($16.49, paperback, 9781662887529; $7.99, e-book, 9781662887536).

Key Points: 
  • PONTE VEDRA, Fla., Oct. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Author Timothy Runkel treats readers to the sequel of The Warrior Surprises Gog and Magog, a new book titled The Temple and Babylon Rise Again ($16.49, paperback, 9781662887529; $7.99, e-book, 9781662887536).
  • Unlike those who see only decline or revival ahead, I want to illustrate both dynamics.
  • I hope to challenge readers to glimpse how future events may begin sooner than they think.
  • At the same time, the New Science Institute in Babylon mesmerizes people with its technology enhanced mysticism.

FHU Students Spend the Summer Seeing the Sites, Digging for Truth

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Vendredi, août 25, 2023

HENDERSON, Tenn., Aug. 25, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- "I was amazed and somewhat shocked by the way in which this trip grounded and emboldened my faith. I began really to grasp how bold the early church truly was in their sharing of faith," Colton Mahana said. Mahana is a Master of Arts in New Testament student currently living in Dahlonega, Georgia and working as a campus minister for the Gold City Church of Christ on the campus of the University of North Georgia. "This  challenged me in confronting the world we live in. I had not expected this result. I was thinking I was just going to be digging in the dirt."

Key Points: 
  • I began really to grasp how bold the early church truly was in their sharing of faith," Colton Mahana said.
  • I was thinking I was just going to be digging in the dirt."
  • Sarah Dutton of Abingdon, Virginia, works as a pastoral counselor in the community and via telehealth.
  • "What I learned gave me the desire to keep digging and learning more about biblical archaeology."


Retrieved on: 
Mardi, août 15, 2023

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., Aug. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Patheos, the leading online platform for exploring and understanding religion and spirituality, today announced the conclusion of its multifaith initiative titled "Sacred Spaces: The 100 Most Holy Places on Earth." Showcasing a curation of locations significant to major religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, the ranking reveals the top 10 most holy sites on Earth. The list is a comprehensive guide to the world's most sacred sites and a platform where people can learn about many religious faiths and the practices and practitioners that call each site sacred in hopes of a more unified understanding and acceptance of all faiths.

Key Points: 
  • Showcasing a curation of locations significant to major religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, the ranking reveals the top 10 most holy sites on Earth.
  • "Selecting only 100 of the most holy places on Earth was the most challenging aspect of this initiative because there are so many sacred sites around the world.
  • We could have easily included 500 additional sites filled with meaning," said Travis Henry, senior director of content at Patheos.
  • His approach considered multiple factors and parameters, including the number of faiths attributing sacred or holy status to each site.

Israel is a powder keg waiting to blow

Retrieved on: 
Jeudi, mai 4, 2023

It was later announced that a ceasefire had been agreed, but the situation remains febrile.

Key Points: 
  • It was later announced that a ceasefire had been agreed, but the situation remains febrile.
  • Netanyahu was forced to shelve the plan in April after four months of street protests in Israel’s cities.
  • But there is also significant support on the right – both within Netanyahu’s coalition and on the streets.
  • Netanyahu’s promise in April to seek a compromise plan has been met with scepticism by many opposition figures and ordinary Israelis.

Challenges on multiple fronts

    • Meanwhile, clashes between Muslims and Israeli police during Passover and Ramadan led to heightened tensions with the Palestinians and neighbouring Arab states.
    • A barrage of 34 rockets was launched into Israel over the following weekend, but were mainly intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome defence system.
    • But given the language being used by various hard-right government ministers and the violence they are whipping up, it’s unclear how long any relative calm can last.

The path ahead

    • This, he may hope, will distract hardliners in his coalition from the judicial reform and secure some political breathing space.
    • Yet it’s far from certain that many ministers will be so easily diverted.
    • Many protesters feel Netanyahu, a man renowned for stabbing even his allies in the back, cannot be trusted.
    • Although Passover provided a welcome break in Israel’s political drama, more unrest is on the cards.

Israel is a powder keg waiting to blow – here's why

Retrieved on: 
Jeudi, mai 4, 2023

It was later announced that a ceasefire had been agreed, but the situation remains febrile.

Key Points: 
  • It was later announced that a ceasefire had been agreed, but the situation remains febrile.
  • Netanyahu was forced to shelve the plan in April after four months of street protests in Israel’s cities.
  • But there is also significant support on the right – both within Netanyahu’s coalition and on the streets.
  • Netanyahu’s promise in April to seek a compromise plan has been met with scepticism by many opposition figures and ordinary Israelis.

Challenges on multiple fronts

    • Meanwhile, clashes between Muslims and Israeli police during Passover and Ramadan led to heightened tensions with the Palestinians and neighbouring Arab states.
    • A barrage of 34 rockets was launched into Israel over the following weekend, but were mainly intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome defence system.
    • But given the language being used by various hard-right government ministers and the violence they are whipping up, it’s unclear how long any relative calm can last.

The path ahead

    • This, he may hope, will distract hardliners in his coalition from the judicial reform and secure some political breathing space.
    • Yet it’s far from certain that many ministers will be so easily diverted.
    • Many protesters feel Netanyahu, a man renowned for stabbing even his allies in the back, cannot be trusted.
    • Although Passover provided a welcome break in Israel’s political drama, more unrest is on the cards.