
Albanese government has ‘irreparably damaged’ Australia’s relations with Israel: Peter Dutton

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Mercredi, avril 10, 2024

She said the international community “was now considering the question of Palestinian statehood as a way of building momentum towards a two-state solution”.

Key Points: 
  • She said the international community “was now considering the question of Palestinian statehood as a way of building momentum towards a two-state solution”.
  • On Wednesday, when asked if Australia was willing to recognise Palestine as a state, Wong said the government had made “no such decision”.
  • She stressed what needed to happen immediately was for Hamas to release the hostages and for a humanitarian ceasefire.
  • "A Coalition government is committed to seeing a prioritisation on reading, writing and maths, including through explicit instruction teaching.
  • “A Coalition government under my leadership will rebuild our national confidence and camaraderie by focusing on the things which unite us”.

Michelle Grattan does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

'Foul and loathsome’ or jewels of the natural world? The complicated history of human-frog relations

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Samedi, décembre 30, 2023

Perhaps you came across one in your garden and wondered at its little hands, glossy skin and what looked very much like a contented smile.

Key Points: 
  • Perhaps you came across one in your garden and wondered at its little hands, glossy skin and what looked very much like a contented smile.
  • As our research has found, the history of human-frog relations is long and complicated – and not all of it is nice.

Why we love frogs

  • There is a rich history of people really loving frogs.
  • This is interesting, because many people much prefer mammals and birds over reptiles and amphibians.
  • Frogs are truly among the jewels of the natural world, unlike toads which – with their more mundane colours and “warty skins” – do not usually inspire the same sense of enchantment.

Dissecting human feelings for frogs

Yet relationships between people and frogs haven’t always been so positive. In fact, frogs occupy complicated places across cultures all over the world. In the Western tradition, the legacy of biblical and classical sources was both negative and longstanding. References to frogs in the Bible rendered them the instrument of divine anger as a swarming plague.

  • Frogs challenged early modern zoological taxonomies, moving between classification as serpent, insect or reptile.
  • In modern science, they sit in a branch of zoology, herpetology, that brings frogs together as “creeping animals” with snakes and lizards.
  • Italian scientist Luigi Galvani, for example, did experiments in the late 18th century on legs of frogs to investigate what he thought of as “animal electricity”.
  • In time, experiments with frogs moved beyond the laboratory into the classroom.
  • In the 1930s, schoolchildren were expected to find frogs and bring them to school for dissection in biology classes.

Recognising the fragility of frogs

  • From the frogs of Aesop’s Fables to the meme Pepe the Frog, we have projected our own feelings and frustrations onto frogs, and exploited them for science and education.
  • Frogs have also borne the brunt of our failures as environmental stewards.
  • In 2022, over 40% of amphibian species (of which frogs and toads are by far the largest group) were threatened with extinction.

Susan Broomhall receives funding from the Australian Research Council. Andrea Gaynor receives funding from the Australian Research Council. Andy Flack does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Leading Lawyers From Around the World Publish Statement Condemning Terrorism in Israel

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Jeudi, octobre 12, 2023

Leading partners and attorneys from prominent law firms around the world today published the following statement condemning the terrorism in Israel and supporting Israel’s right to self-defense:

Key Points: 
  • Leading partners and attorneys from prominent law firms around the world today published the following statement condemning the terrorism in Israel and supporting Israel’s right to self-defense:
    We, the undersigned group of attorneys from around the world, publicly condemn and denounce the unspeakable acts of mass terror perpetrated by Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization, against civilians in Israel.
  • We are angered by the cowardly crimes against humanity committed and the massive scale on which they were perpetrated.
  • We are profoundly disturbed by the litany of free people throughout the world who are indifferent, or even hostile, when confronted with Jewish suffering.
  • We call on our colleagues in the legal profession and elsewhere to stand with us and denounce terrorism against Israel and Jews throughout the world.

The Fraud by Zadie Smith review: a dazzling depiction of Victorian colonial England

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Lundi, septembre 4, 2023

The result is a stunning, well-studied examination of Victorian colonial England and some of its inhabitants.

Key Points: 
  • The result is a stunning, well-studied examination of Victorian colonial England and some of its inhabitants.
  • However, Smith breathes life anew into them and through them, a portrait of Victorian England’s literary scene is painted.


    • Her relationships with her cousin William Ainsworth and his first and second wives are written with humour and heart.
    • Through her, we witness the hypocrisy of her environment – the nepotism, the false friends, the pretence, the fraud.
    • Smith’s description of Jamaican plantation life is nuanced and deftly crafted, and its horrors are made plain without excessive graphic detail.

Empire and connection

    • The reader encounters so many characters that engage in self-deception and hypocrisy that we might question exactly who the titular fraud is.
    • The novel is also, I think, about empire and connection.
    • Nothing that happens in Jamaica is at all disconnected from what is happening in England.
    • Towards the end of the novel, the narrator describes England as “not a real place … an elaborate alibi”.

What Germany's quest to define dignity – both before and after 1945 – tells us about society

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Vendredi, juillet 21, 2023

At its conclusion, in 1945, legal scholars, politicians and the wider public agreed that life without dignity was meaningless.

Key Points: 
  • At its conclusion, in 1945, legal scholars, politicians and the wider public agreed that life without dignity was meaningless.
  • My doctoral research looks at the German quest, both before and after the conflict, to define dignity, in order to enshrine its protection in law.

An inviolable attribute

    • Article 1, which still has its distinctive validity today, reads:
      Human dignity shall be inviolable.
    • The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world.
    • Human dignity shall be inviolable.
    • The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world.

A universal definition

    • His idea was that all human beings have an inner worth and should be valued simply because they are human.
    • So in retrospect, Heuss’s definition of human dignity proved wise.
    • Kant’s framing of dignity may be concise, timeless, and universal, but his judgement of who is worthy of dignity – and who is not – was indeed marred by the ideologies of his own time.
    • The law, however, cannot equivocate on its status: as a legally recognised human characteristic, dignity must remain inviolable.

Ukraine war: why WWI comparisons can lead to underestimates of Russia's strengths

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Mardi, avril 18, 2023

Coverage over the past winter months, for example, has focused on how Ukrainians are fighting in WWI-like muddy trenches in Bakhmut, while Russia suffers almost WWI levels of casualties.

Key Points: 
  • Coverage over the past winter months, for example, has focused on how Ukrainians are fighting in WWI-like muddy trenches in Bakhmut, while Russia suffers almost WWI levels of casualties.
  • Many of the WWI comparisons stress the unmodern nature of what is happening on Ukraine’s battlefields.
  • And, most importantly, by making these kinds of historical comparisons, we detach ourselves from the war’s horrors and violence.

Unmodern and modern war

    • In these comparisons, WWI does not serve as the benchmark of modern war, but as the haunted image of primitive industrial warfare from more than a century ago.
    • What’s so characteristic of WWI, and seems so unmodern, is its lack of progress.
    • And while we have seen drones and other hi-tech tools of war on the news, we haven´t seen much progress on pushing back the frontline.

Underestimating Russia’s objectives

    • The unmodern is, of course, closely associated not just with the war in general, but especially with Russia’s conduct.
    • But by tying Russia’s conduct to a stereotypical image of WWI fighting, we might stop analysing the full context.
    • One might also lose sight of the toll the current fight might be taking on the “more modern” Ukraine’s forces.
    • Is it a war against Ukraine, or a war against the west that happens to be fought in and over Ukraine?

Disengaging from reality

    • But that is a dangerous and misleading thought, as it isolates what is happening in Ukraine from our own times.
    • What we see in Ukraine is not a historical horror show, it is the ugly face of full-scale modern war.
    • Over the past decades, western society has become strangely unaware of what happens in a modern war.

Razom for Ukraine Brings Together Community Leaders from Ukrainian Organizations and Partners from Ethnic, Religious and Human Rights Groups to Host Press Conference in Front of the White House

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Mercredi, mai 4, 2022

Razom for Ukraine, United Help Ukraine, and U.S. Ukrainian Activists are jointly holding a press conference Thursday, May 5, at 11 a.m. in front of the White House.

Key Points: 
  • Razom for Ukraine, United Help Ukraine, and U.S. Ukrainian Activists are jointly holding a press conference Thursday, May 5, at 11 a.m. in front of the White House.
  • This press conference will be held in partnership with organizations spanning ethnic, religious, and human rights communities and constituencies in the U.S and will feature special guest appearances.
  • The press conference will focus on the strategic and moral importance of supporting Ukraine as well as the supplemental appropriation that was requested by the Presidential Administration on April 28, 2022.
  • By uniting Americans from an array of diverse communities across religious and ethnic lines, we underline the importance of solidarity.

Statement by The United States Conference of Mayors on the Kidnapping of Ukrainian Mayor by Russian Forces

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Samedi, mars 12, 2022

About the United States Conference of Mayors -- The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are more than 1,400 such cities in the country today, and each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

Key Points: 
  • WASHINGTON, March 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Below is a statement by the President of The United States Conference of Mayors, Miami Mayor Francis X. Suarez, in response to Russian forces kidnapping Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol, Ukraine:
    "America's mayors demand the immediate release of the Mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov.Mayor Fedorov was violently captured while caring for his citizens as they face unimaginable barbarism at the hands of Russian forces.
  • This terrorism cannot be tolerated, and we call on the international community to do whatever is necessary to secure his freedom.
  • "America's mayors stand united in support of Ukraine and the country's mayors who continue to fight to protect their citizens at great personal risk.
  • About the United States Conference of Mayors-- The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more.