Emergency Medicine Journal

Using ‘trip killers’ to cut short bad drug trips is potentially dangerous

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星期三, 二月 14, 2024

As interest in psychedelics has grown, so has interest in ways to end a bad trip.

Key Points: 
  • As interest in psychedelics has grown, so has interest in ways to end a bad trip.
  • Recent research reveals that people are giving potentially dangerous advice on social media on how to stop a trip that is less than pleasurable.
  • One of the earliest descriptions of a psychedelic experience in western literature can be found in Aldous Huxley’s 1953 book The Doors of Perception.
  • Research shows that if someone is in a bad mood or depressed then they are more likely to have a bad trip, as are people who take too high a dose.

Trip killers

  • Few clinical studies have examined trip killers, but one has found that ketanserin – a drug used to treat high blood pressure – reverses the psychedelic effects of LSD.
  • A recent article in the Emergency Medical Journal analysed posts on Reddit about trip killers.
  • Trip killers were discussed most often for LSD (235 posts), magic mushrooms (143 posts) and MDMA (21 posts).

Receptor blocking

  • To kill a trip then, one simply has to give the drug user another drug that blocks (rather than activates) the 5-HT2A receptor.
  • Many prescription drugs can do this and they tend to be antipsychotic drugs.
  • Quetiapine from the list above is one popular example, while another antipsychotic, olanzapine, was mentioned in 14 posts in that study.
  • Similarly, the atypical antidepressants trazodone and mirtazapine also block the 5-HT2A receptor.

Colin Davidson has previously received funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH, USA) and the European Community for projects related to stimulant drug abuse and novel psychoactive compounds respectively. He is currently a paid consultant with the Defence Science Technology Laboratory (MOD) working on new psychoactive compounds.

KitoTech Medical Inc. Announces Publication of Clinical Results of Laceration Repair Study in The Emergency Medical Journal

Retrieved on: 
星期三, 八月 2, 2023

SEATTLE, Aug. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- In the clinical study, lacerations in 31 patients were closed with microMend PRO. Ninety percent or more of healthcare providers reported good to excellent outcomes in all measured parameters including ease of use, speed, and overall assessment. The product was reported to be virtually painless by patients. Cosmetic results were measured in the study and documented to be superior to results using other wound closure products that have been reported in the literature.

Key Points: 
  • KitoTech Medical announces the results of a clinical study using microMend® PRO to close lacerations reported in the leading publication, Emergency Medical Journal.
  • It demonstrated outstanding results in using microMend PRO to treat lacerations at Brown University and another Lifespan hospital.
  • SEATTLE, Aug. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- In the clinical study, lacerations in 31 patients were closed with microMend PRO.
  • The publication of the results of the study in a leading emergency medicine journal validates the effectiveness of microMend PRO in repairing lacerations.