Chachi people

Supernatural beliefs have featured in every society throughout history. New research helps explain why

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星期一, 四月 3, 2023

For thousands of years, humans have held religious beliefs and participated in religious rituals.

Key Points: 
  • For thousands of years, humans have held religious beliefs and participated in religious rituals.
  • Throughout history, every human society has featured some kind of supernatural or religious belief.
  • The world is a mysterious place, and was even more mysterious before the rise of modern science.
  • Yet despite these specific examples, we know little about which kinds of phenomena people try to explain using religion.
  • If religion helps us fill gaps in knowledge, what kind of gaps is it most likely to fill?
  • We found societies are overwhelmingly more likely to have supernatural beliefs that concern “natural” phenomena, rather than “social” phenomena.
  • For each society, we read through ethnographic texts and identified supernatural explanations that were commonly held across its people.