Tobacco Control Act of Bhutan 2010

Truth Initiative Board Announces Appointment of Kathy Crosby as New CEO and President

Retrieved on: 
星期二, 八月 15, 2023

Crosby is succeeding Robin Koval, who has served as CEO and President since 2013 and is retiring after a decade of transformative leadership and significant advancement of the organization's lifesaving mission.

Key Points: 
  • Crosby is succeeding Robin Koval, who has served as CEO and President since 2013 and is retiring after a decade of transformative leadership and significant advancement of the organization's lifesaving mission.
  • In making the announcement, Truth Initiative Board Chair Mike Moore said, "Kathy's impressive background, extensive experience and passion for public health make her an exceptional choice to lead our organization."
  • Kathy Crosby joins Truth Initiative from the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) where she served as Director of the Office of Health Communication and Education for the past 12 years.
  • On behalf of the Truth Initiative board, Moore expressed gratitude for Robin Koval's exemplary leadership during her tenure and shared his enthusiasm for the future with Crosby at the helm.

International Health Experts: Bangladesh Can Be Smoke-Free by 2040 If It Adopts the Swedish Model

Retrieved on: 
星期二, 五月 30, 2023

This compelling strategy has the potential to dramatically alter the future for countless smokers, potentially saving millions of lives.

Key Points: 
  • This compelling strategy has the potential to dramatically alter the future for countless smokers, potentially saving millions of lives.
  • The inclusion of e-cigarettes in the new Tobacco Control Act could detrimentally impact Bangladesh’s goal of going tobacco-free by 2040.
  • The Swedish model promotes affordable, acceptable and accessible alternatives like snus, nicotine pouches and e-cigarettes, successfully reducing smoking rates by over 150% in 15 years.
  • Bangladesh has the opportunity to translate its economic transformation into accelerating tobacco control through harm reduction.

Victory for Public Health: U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Tobacco Industry's Challenge to Los Angeles County Law Ending Flavored Tobacco Sales

Retrieved on: 
星期一, 二月 27, 2023

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Supreme Court announced today that it will not hear R.J. Reynolds' appeal of a lower court ruling upholding Los Angeles County's law prohibiting the sale of flavored tobacco products. This decision is a tremendous victory for kids and public health. It allows Los Angeles County's law to remain in effect, while also preserving the authority of states and localities across the country to enact similar lifesaving measures. R.J. Reynolds and other tobacco companies have desperately fought these laws so they can continue to target kids, Black Americans and other communities with flavored products, including flavored e-cigarettes, menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars.

Key Points: 
  • WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Supreme Court announced today that it will not hear R.J. Reynolds' appeal of a lower court ruling upholding Los Angeles County's law prohibiting the sale of flavored tobacco products.
  • It allows Los Angeles County's law to remain in effect, while also preserving the authority of states and localities across the country to enact similar lifesaving measures.
  • This decision is a rejection of Reynolds' argument that the Los Angeles County law and similar state and local laws are preempted by the federal Tobacco Control Act.
  • Today's announcement follows the Supreme Court's decision in December to deny Reynolds' request for an emergency injunction to block California's statewide law ending the sale of most flavored tobacco products.

New Report Reveals Best and Worst States for Tobacco Control Policies; Highlights Dramatic Differences from State to State

Retrieved on: 
星期三, 一月 25, 2023

CHICAGO, Jan. 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Lung Association's 21st annual "State of Tobacco Control" report , released today, reveals the states with the best and worst policies to prevent and reduce tobacco use, and finds dramatic differences in the strength of states' tobacco control laws.

Key Points: 
  • CHICAGO, Jan. 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Lung Association's 21st annual "State of Tobacco Control" report , released today, reveals the states with the best and worst policies to prevent and reduce tobacco use, and finds dramatic differences in the strength of states' tobacco control laws.
  • The "State of Tobacco Control" report evaluates state and federal policies on actions taken to eliminate tobacco use and recommends proven-effective tobacco control laws and policies to save lives.
  • "Our 'State of Tobacco Control' report shows how widely tobacco policies vary from state to state.
  • "Since no state received all 'A' grades, every state has the opportunity to improve their tobacco control policies and improve public health.

U.S. Supreme Court Denies Tobacco Industry's Request for Injunction Halting California's Flavored Tobacco Law, Allowing Lifesaving Measure to Take Effect

Retrieved on: 
星期一, 十二月 12, 2022

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Supreme Court today denied a request by R.J. Reynolds and other tobacco interests for an emergency injunction to block implementation of California's law ending the sale of most flavored tobacco products, which was overwhelming approved by state lawmakers in 2020 and upheld in November by 64% of the state's voters. This decision is a major victory for kids and public health and will allow this lifesaving law to take effect later this month. The decision is a rejection of desperate efforts by Reynolds and other companies to further delay the law so they can continue to target kids, Black Americans and other communities with flavored e-cigarettes, menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars.

Key Points: 
  • This decision is a major victory for kids and public health and will allow this lifesaving law to take effect later this month.
  • While today's decision is about Reynolds' request for an injunction and does not decide the merits of the company's preemption argument, there is no basis for the Supreme Court to review the lower court rulings upholding the law.
  • Policymakers at every level must stand up to the tobacco industry's bullying and take action to protect kids and save lives.
  • The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and 22 partner organizations filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court urging rejection of Reynolds' request for an emergency injunction.

Court Ruling Against FDA's Graphic Cigarette Warnings is Wrong on the Law and Must Be Appealed

Retrieved on: 
星期四, 十二月 8, 2022

WASHINGTON, Dec. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Today's decision by a federal judge to block implementation of graphic cigarette warnings ordered by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is wrong on the law, inconsistent with decades of precedent and harms public health. We urge the Justice Department to appeal this decision, and we are confident that the FDA's warnings will ultimately be upheld by a higher court. Today's ruling was issued by U.S. District Judge J. Campbell Barker of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in a lawsuit filed by R.J. Reynolds and other tobacco interests.

Key Points: 
  • We urge the Justice Department to appeal this decision, and we are confident that the FDA's warnings will ultimately be upheld by a higher court.
  • Courts have long held that mandatory health warnings conveying truthful information about the risks of dangerous products do not violate the First Amendment.
  • The graphic cigarette warnings were mandated by a large, bipartisan majority of Congress as part of the 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.
  • The Tobacco Control Act required graphic warning labels covering the top half of the front and back of cigarette packs and 20% of cigarette advertising.

22nd Century Group Welcomes Dr. Califf as FDA Commissioner, Urges Action on Menthol and Nicotine in Combustible Cigarettes

Retrieved on: 
星期五, 二月 25, 2022

BUFFALO, N.Y., Feb. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 22nd Century Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: XXII), a leading agricultural biotechnology company focused on tobacco harm reduction, reduced nicotine tobacco, and improving health and wellness through modern plant science, congratulates Dr. Robert Califf on his confirmation as FDA Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Dr. Califf is known to be a longtime proponent of innovative tobacco control programs and strong supporter of the Agency’s Comprehensive Plan for Tobacco and Nicotine Regulation. The FDA’s commitment to moving forward with the rulemaking process to ban menthol in cigarettes signifies the Agency’s intent to take significant action toward dramatically reducing tobacco-related disease and death in the U.S.

Key Points: 
  • The FDA has already taken great strides to improve public health by granting 22nd Century MRTP authorization for our VLN cigarettes and by announcing that they are on track with the rulemaking process that could ban menthol in cigarettes.
  • It is crucial that the FDA now accelerate implementation of its Comprehensive plan to reduce the amount of nicotine allowed in combustible cigarettes to levels that render them minimally or non-addictive.
  • By providing a non-addictive menthol option, 22nd Century believes FDAs policy can better help menthol smokers move away from addictive nicotine products altogether rather than merely transitioning them to another addictive nicotine product.
  • VLN King and VLN Menthol King are the only FDA authorized reduced nicotine content combustible cigarettes in the U.S. tobacco products market, estimated at approximately $80 billion in size.

Bidi Vapor Wins Judicial Stay of FDA's Marketing Denial Order

Retrieved on: 
星期四, 二月 3, 2022

The Company is pleased to announce that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has granted a judicial stay of the marketing denial order ("MDO") previously issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") to Bidi Vapor in September 2021.

Key Points: 
  • The Company is pleased to announce that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has granted a judicial stay of the marketing denial order ("MDO") previously issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") to Bidi Vapor in September 2021.
  • "We expect this judicial stay will result in a rebounding of BIDI Stick sales," said Niraj Patel, president and CEO of both Kaival Brands and Bidi Vapor.
  • As a result, Bidi Vapor and the Company are considered under common control and Bidi Vapor is considered a related party.
  • Based in Melbourne, Florida, Bidi Vapor maintains a commitment to responsible marketing, supporting age-verification standards and sustainability through its BIDI Cares recycling program.

FDA Enters Administrative Stay of Bidi Vapor's Marketing Denial Order for its Flavored ENDS

Retrieved on: 
星期三, 十月 27, 2021

FDA confirmed that while it reviews Bidi Vapor's request, its flavored BIDI Sticks can remain on the market without the threat of enforcement.

Key Points: 
  • FDA confirmed that while it reviews Bidi Vapor's request, its flavored BIDI Sticks can remain on the market without the threat of enforcement.
  • Despite submitting scientifically rigorous PMTAs and keeping FDA informed about its ongoing clinical and behavioral studies, Bidi Vapor received an MDO for its flavored BIDI Sticks, along with nearly all other manufacturers of flavored ENDS, in early September 2021.
  • "We appreciate FDA's decision to stay, or put on hold, the MDO as it reconsiders its denial.
  • Based in Melbourne, Florida, Bidi Vapor maintains a commitment to responsible marketing, supporting age-verification standards and sustainability through its BIDI Cares recycling program.

Bidi Vapor Initiates Legal Challenge of FDA's Marketing Denial Orders for its Flavored ENDS

Retrieved on: 
星期四, 九月 30, 2021

Despite submitting scientifically rigorous PMTAs and keeping FDA informed about its ongoing clinical and behavioral studies, Bidi Vapor received an MDO for its flavored BIDI Sticks, along with nearly all other manufacturers of flavored ENDS, in early September 2021, just ahead of FDA's court-ordered PMTA review deadline.

Key Points: 
  • Despite submitting scientifically rigorous PMTAs and keeping FDA informed about its ongoing clinical and behavioral studies, Bidi Vapor received an MDO for its flavored BIDI Sticks, along with nearly all other manufacturers of flavored ENDS, in early September 2021, just ahead of FDA's court-ordered PMTA review deadline.
  • Based in Melbourne, Florida, Bidi Vapor maintains a commitment to responsible marketing, supporting age-verification standards and sustainability through its BIDI Cares recycling program.
  • Bidi Vapor is also adamant about strict compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines and regulations.
  • At Bidi Vapor, innovation is key to our mission, with the BIDI Stick promoting environmental sustainability, while providing a unique vaping experience to adult smokers.