The Weight-Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About

One truth to take from the Trudeau story

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星期四, 十一月 10, 2022

Court decisions have established there wasnt much truth in Mr. Trudeaus advertising claims, but the story behind the law enforcement actions underscores one fundamental truth: the FTCs commitment to effective order enforcement.

Key Points: 
  • Court decisions have established there wasnt much truth in Mr. Trudeaus advertising claims, but the story behind the law enforcement actions underscores one fundamental truth: the FTCs commitment to effective order enforcement.
  • Then came his involvement in the marketing of Coral Calcium Supreme, deceptively advertised to cure cancer and other serious diseases.
  • Trudeau touted it as an easy eat-what-you-want plan, but once people bought the book, they learned the truth.
  • In 2009, a federal judge ordered Trudeau to repay consumers millions of dollars for violating the 2004 order.
  • Trudeau continued to spend lavishly on living-the-high-life luxuries, and yet claimed to be too broke to pay the required refunds.
  • The FTC wasnt buying it and went back to court to untangle the web Trudeau had created to hide his assets.
  • Ultimately, a court-appointed receiver unearthed millions of dollars Trudeau had hidden and the search continues for more money he squirreled away.
  • Whats the one truth advertisers should take from the Trudeau story?