Kyiv International Institute of Sociology

In Kyiv, signs of the ongoing war are evident – but daily life continues uninterrupted as well

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星期五, 七月 21, 2023

I spent time talking with a wide range of people – including soldiers, civilians and priests.

Key Points: 
  • I spent time talking with a wide range of people – including soldiers, civilians and priests.
  • People in Kyiv live in a near-constant state of alert, with regular air raid sirens, but life in other ways goes on.

Daily life in Ukraine

    • At first, I relied on the people around me to help determine a course of action when an air siren sounded.
    • But after a few days I started to turn to the same Telegram channels to better gauge the potential severity of the situation.
    • I even saw a crowded bungee-jumping event one weekend as people jumped from a pedestrian bridge over the Dnieper River in Kyiv.
    • The flags of other countries that have supported Ukraine are there as well.

What Ukrainians want

    • About 84% of Ukrainians said in May 2023 that they were not ready to give Russia territorial concessions, according to the Ukrainian independent research group Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.
    • Meanwhile, Ukrainians are also still looking to outside Western support, and looking for countries including the U.S. to join in a mutual-defense pact that would obligate them to send in their own troops.
    • About 89% of Ukrainians wanted Ukraine to become a NATO member in May 2023, according to the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.
    • In 2021, only 48% of Ukrainians supported Ukraine’s NATO membership.
    • And in 2022, a record high 83% of Ukrainians said they wanted to join.

Do Ukrainians have a breaking point?

    • In May 2023, 78% of Ukrainians said close family members or friends had been wounded or killed since February 2022, according to the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.
    • I’m not afraid that Ukrainians will tire of being attacked by Russians,” she explained.
    • “Of course, every person has a breaking point, but there is no way back now.
    • I know many soldiers who are prepared to fight if the war drags on, even if for years,” the volunteer said.

2022 Report on the Survey of Global Generation Z Released

Retrieved on: 
星期五, 五月 27, 2022

The report, entitled the "2022 Global Generation Z Insights Report" was unveiled during an opening ceremony for the Generation Z Research Center in Beijing on May 27, 2022.

Key Points: 
  • The report, entitled the "2022 Global Generation Z Insights Report" was unveiled during an opening ceremony for the Generation Z Research Center in Beijing on May 27, 2022.
  • The 2022 Global Generation Z Insights Report is the very first report released by the new center,striving to present a well-rounded and realistic picture of a global Generation Z, including of their self-perception, life attitudes, social contact preferences, consumption habits, opinions on technology, and thoughts on social and international relations.
  • In interviews conducted by the Generation Z Research Center, many overseas Generation Z interviewees said their perceptions changed significantly once they had been to China.
  • Xue believed that with the rapid development of Internet technology and the growing power of youth, 2022 Global Generation Z Insights Report is of great importance in strengthening the study of Generation Z and cultivating the broad vision and cultural confidence of Chinese and overseas Generation Z.