Dragon Coins

Active Health Foods, Inc. (OTC: AHFD) expected acquisition of CoinChamp, Inc.

Retrieved on: 
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

You remain active in the "Round" until you predict incorrectly, at which point you can use a "Coin", or life, to stay in the "Round".

Key Points: 
  • You remain active in the "Round" until you predict incorrectly, at which point you can use a "Coin", or life, to stay in the "Round".
  • AHFD is in the final stages of preparing the definitive merger documents and due diligence pertaining to the proposed acquisition.
  • Regarding the expected transaction, CEO Glen Bonilla stated, "we are excited with the prospect of putting this developed app and operational business in Active Health Foods.
  • We feel that this acquisition will enhance shareholder value and open the door to several potential growth opportunities."