What Technology Wants

Will A.I. Rewrite History? Kevin Kelly Dialogue With HistoryDAO

Retrieved on: 
Thursday, October 13, 2022

NEW YORK, Oct. 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Kevin Kelly has been famous for his sense of the direction of all things technological since the 1980s. His books on the subject published over a span of decades are consistent best sellers. When something new comes over the technological horizon, such as A.I. and blockchain, the world is eager for his opinions, and HistoryDAO has the privilege of having his opinions directly for the second time this year.

Key Points: 
  • and blockchain, the world is eager for his opinions, and HistoryDAO has the privilege of having his opinions directly for the second time this year.
  • In the first interview, HistoryDAO spoke with Mr. Kelly on the subject of "What Technology Wants," and a good deal of conversation covered specifically "what blockchain technology wants," and the role of NFTs.
  • "The fact that you know London is the capital of England is just a consensus," said Kelly in the earlier interview.
  • Write, record, analyze, adjudicate, and mint our world as it unfolds across the globe every day with HistoryDAO and HistoryNFTs.