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Short staffing, employee engagement and high turnover – the demands on shift work leaders piling up, details new Ento survey

Retrieved on: 
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

According to a new survey by workforce management company Ento, which polled mainly HR decision-makers who oversee shift-based teams, workforce management continues to be a high priority, but implementation is hard as they face challenges like low employee engagement, staffing shortages and employee turnover.

Key Points: 
  • According to a new survey by workforce management company Ento, which polled mainly HR decision-makers who oversee shift-based teams, workforce management continues to be a high priority, but implementation is hard as they face challenges like low employee engagement, staffing shortages and employee turnover.
  • Nearly nine in ten HR leaders said their expectations of managers have not changed (86%) over the past two years.
  • These results come despite the past two years involving evolving COVID regulations, volatile labour supply and rising inflation.
  • Its increasingly difficult to lead workforces today, especially those responsible for shift-based work, said Peter Vigilante, Ento Canada country director.