Do-it-yourself biology

The 2019 Biohacking Market: Showcases Trends That are in Vogue, Locations Where Innovations are Growing, and the Potential of the Multiple Sub-sectors in the Arena -

Retrieved on: 
Monday, July 8, 2019

The report provides an overview of the biohacking industry, which has gained momentum over the past two decades.

Key Points: 
  • The report provides an overview of the biohacking industry, which has gained momentum over the past two decades.
  • The report showcases trends that are in vogue, locations where innovations are growing, and the potential of the multiple sub-sectors in the arena.
  • The report also looks at some of those and how different players are handling them.
  • No longer the privilege of top research houses/institutes with extravagant laboratories, DIY biology is everywhere and is used for almost everything.