Modern warfare

Outlook on the Worldwide Stealth Technologies Industry to 2025 - Featuring BAE Systems, Boeing & Thales Group Among Others -

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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Global military powerhouses such as the US, the UK, China, France, and Japan are vying to achieve a profound reconceptualization of modern warfare techniques.

Key Points: 
  • Global military powerhouses such as the US, the UK, China, France, and Japan are vying to achieve a profound reconceptualization of modern warfare techniques.
  • There has been a significant increase in the global annual defense spending of these countries over the past five years.
  • On this note, the FY2021 defense budget of the US entails the allocation of significant resources towards enhancing the stealth prowess of the nation.
  • To address the evolving threats, major countries in the region are realigning their military strategies and organizational structures.

Smart Weapons - Worldwide Market Analysis, Trends and Forecasts to 2022: Precision Guided Munitions Offer Lucrative Growth Opportunities -

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Smart Weapons: Augmenting National Defense with Intelligent, Accurate and Digital Technologies

Key Points: 
  • Smart Weapons: Augmenting National Defense with Intelligent, Accurate and Digital Technologies
    Ushering a New Era of AI-Driven Self-aware Systems, Smart Weapons Seek to Widen Role in Modern Warfare
    Changing Realities of Modern Warfare: A Brief Overview
    Surging Defense & Military Expenditures Worldwide: Cornerstone for Present & Future Growth