Atomic swap Open-Sources Atomic Swap Wallet

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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Atomic swaps would allow peer-to-peer trading while still securing every transaction with blockchain certainty, so we were naturally very excited to begin developing our very own atomic swap wallet."

Key Points: 
  • Atomic swaps would allow peer-to-peer trading while still securing every transaction with blockchain certainty, so we were naturally very excited to begin developing our very own atomic swap wallet."
  • Then, after successfully completing the world's first on-chain Ethereum to Bitcoin atomic swap , went on to build and release the world's first atomic swap wallet.
  • By open-sourcing the Atomic Swap Wallet, hopes to help other blockchain projects achieve their goals through atomic swap technology, and even take the wallet to a mainnet launch.
  • Developers wishing to test the atomic swap wallet can do so on the website.

Thor Swap Releases Web 1.1.0 Version; Shares 5 secrets to buying Bitcoin and cryptos intelligently

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Friday, October 12, 2018

From the user's perspective, an ideal platform for token trading must have the following characteristics:

Key Points: 
  • From the user's perspective, an ideal platform for token trading must have the following characteristics:
    - Justice.
  • All transactions are processed fairly and no one can manipulate prices, manipulate orders or issue false assets.
  • Flash mode and atomic mode are based on the cutting-edge atomic swap technology, and transactions are fully-decentralized.
  • Thor Network provides leading decentralized exchange solutions that will greatly enhance the performance of existing DEXs and bring disruptive changes to the digital asset exchange.