
In Pursuit Of Health: The 49 Wackiest Things We've Done For Wellness

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

And that thought is underscored by some of the crazy (and sometimes crazy-fun) things people have tried in an effort to get healthy.

Key Points: 
  • And that thought is underscored by some of the crazy (and sometimes crazy-fun) things people have tried in an effort to get healthy.
  • "After 20 years of working in wellness, I've seen a LOT of unique trends come and goto say the least!"
  • "If anything, today's fast-paced modern life has only fueled people's hunger for health solutions that are sticky and produce results."
  • From vibrating belts to the Cookie Diet and hula hooping to Beachbody's P90Xit has been a wild ride in the name of wellness.