
Trust Marketing Expands Leadership with Focus on Growth, Evolution, and Family

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torsdag, september 28, 2023

Trust CEO/Founder Howard Robertson and COO/Founder Beverly Robertson proudly announce the appointments of son Ryan Robertson as Trust Marketing Corporate President and daughter Adrienne Robertson King as Trust Marketing Corporate Vice President.

Key Points: 
  • Trust CEO/Founder Howard Robertson and COO/Founder Beverly Robertson proudly announce the appointments of son Ryan Robertson as Trust Marketing Corporate President and daughter Adrienne Robertson King as Trust Marketing Corporate Vice President.
  • Howard and Beverly Robertson built Trust Marketing on the solid foundation of two impressive corporate careers in Memphis where they were both born.
  • Trust Marketing is built on over a century of their combined marketing, communications, and public/media/community relations experience.
  • Ryan Robertson, her youngest brother, has stellar marketing credentials, most recently as the SVP of Marketing for Group Black.

How can I lower my cholesterol? Do supplements work? How about psyllium or probiotics?

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lördag, september 16, 2023

You’ve six months to work on your diet to see if that’ll bring down your levels, then you’ll review your options.

Key Points: 
  • You’ve six months to work on your diet to see if that’ll bring down your levels, then you’ll review your options.
  • But there’s some good evidence that taking particular supplements, while also eating a healthy diet, can make a difference.

Why are we so worried about cholesterol?

    • Low-density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol This is often called “bad” cholesterol.
    • This lipoprotein helps remove excess cholesterol from the bloodstream and transports it back to the liver for processing and excretion.
    • Diet can play a key role in reducing blood cholesterol levels, especially LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.

Fibre is your friend

    • An additional way to significantly reduce your total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels through diet is by eating more soluble fibre.
    • This is a type of fibre that dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance in your gut.

Fibre supplements, such as psyllium

    There are also many fibre supplements and food-based products on the market that may help lower cholesterol. These include:
    • Psyllium is the fibre supplement with the strongest evidence to support its use in improving cholesterol levels.
    • These trials show consuming about 10g of psyllium a day (1 tablespoon), as part of a healthy diet, can significantly lower total cholesterol levels by 4% and LDL cholesterol levels by 7%.


    • Probiotics are thought to help lower cholesterol levels via a number of mechanisms.
    • Using probiotics to reduce cholesterol is an upcoming area of interest and the research is promising.
    • Most of these studies use probiotics containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis, which come in capsules or powders and are consumed daily.

Red yeast rice

    • Red yeast rice is another non-fibre supplement that has gained attention for lowering cholesterol.
    • It found taking red yeast rice supplements (200-4,800mg a day) was more effective for lowering blood fats known as triglycerides but less effective at lowering total cholesterol compared with statins.
    • However, these trials don’t tell us if red yeast rice works and is safe in the long term.

Diet and supplements may not be enough

    • Always speak to your GP and dietitian about your plan to take supplements to lower your cholesterol.
    • But remember, dietary changes alone – with or without supplements – might not be enough to lower your cholesterol levels sufficiently.
    • Even then, depending on your cholesterol levels and other risk factors, you may still be recommended cholesterol-lowering medications, such as statins.