Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation

Canada cultivates climate solutions with financial incentive for sustainable forest management

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måndag, maj 6, 2024

Environment and Climate Change Canada continues to support sustainable forest practices with the third federal offset protocol for use under Canada's Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit System—Improved Forest Management on Private Land.

Key Points: 
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada continues to support sustainable forest practices with the third federal offset protocol for use under Canada's Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit System—Improved Forest Management on Private Land.
  • This new protocol gives project developers a financial incentive to implement voluntary forest management practices that will increase the amount of carbon stored in forestlands and earn revenue for those projects.
  • – The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change
    "Canada is rich in forest resources and a world leader in sustainable forest management.
  • Forest management can be improved to enhance carbon sequestration through improved tree growth, more sustainable harvest, and faster and healthier regeneration.

Community Action Grants take isolation out of arthritis

Retrieved on: 
torsdag, november 17, 2022

Seven projects across Canada have been awarded funding through Arthritis Society Canadas inaugural Community Action Grants competition to address arthritis-related needs in their communities.

Key Points: 
  • Seven projects across Canada have been awarded funding through Arthritis Society Canadas inaugural Community Action Grants competition to address arthritis-related needs in their communities.
  • Living with arthritis can be isolating, saysTrishBarbato, President and CEO of Arthritis Society Canada.These new Community Action Grants are designed to provide opportunities for people to connect, learn and thrive with arthritis in their own communities and in ways that are meaningful to them.
  • And while some types of arthritis require medication, everyone with arthritis can benefit from education, therapeutic exercise, staying active and eating well.
  • The following is a list of the seven projects receiving inaugural Community Action Grants, all made possible by generous donations.