Pauline Hanson's One Nation

The Jewish creatives’ WhatsApp leak was more whistleblowing than doxing. Here’s why

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torsdag, februari 15, 2024

Debate around doxing is raging in Australia after the leak of a WhatsApp chat group called “Jewish Australian creatives and academics”.

Key Points: 
  • Debate around doxing is raging in Australia after the leak of a WhatsApp chat group called “Jewish Australian creatives and academics”.
  • While the group was formed as a supportive space, some of its conversations focused on challenging media critiques of Israel.

Personal information

  • According to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, doxing is the “malicious release” of someone’s personal information without their consent.
  • The first question here is one of personal information.
  • Was any personal information actually leaked?
  • Those who released the information say they scrubbed any details that could be used to track people down, such as phone numbers and email addresses.

Malicious intent

  • This leads to the second question, which is one of intent.
  • The government claims the leak was done with malicious intent, and this claim has been backed by the opposition and organisations such as the Executive Council of Australian Jewry.
  • Yet the malicious intent is also up for debate.
  • But it is debatable whether the anti-facist campaign was malicious or not.
  • This made the Charlottesville leak political, rather than personally malicious.

Simon Copland has signed a statement of solidarity with Palestine from academics in Australian universities.

One Nation Commissioners Appointed

Retrieved on: 
onsdag, april 24, 2019

Co-Chairs Former Congressman Mike Honda and Asian Health Services CEO Sherry Hirota announced today the appointments of the One Nation Commissioners.

Key Points: 
  • Co-Chairs Former Congressman Mike Honda and Asian Health Services CEO Sherry Hirota announced today the appointments of the One Nation Commissioners.
  • The One Nation Commission launched with its inaugural meeting in Los Angeles on April 19, 2019.
  • The One Nation Commission builds on the groundswell of public outcry in late 2018 when the rule was proposed.
  • We are driving our own narrative: America is one nation built on the strength of immigrants.