LifeOmic and Indiana University School of Medicine Collaborate on the Largest Real-World Intermittent Fasting Study

INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- LifeOmic, a software company leveraging the cloud, machine learning, and mobile devices to power precision health and wellness solutions, today unveiled findings from a landmark intermittent fasting (IF) study conducted with scientists from Indiana University School of Medicine. The study, published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth, quantifies user retention, fasting patterns, and weight loss in users of LifeOmic's LIFE Apps suite of mobile apps: LIFE Fasting Tracker (LifeOmic's fasting app) and LIFE Extend (LifeOmic's Precision Wellness app). It is the largest research study of its kind to date, following nearly 800,000 users and tracking 26 million fasts over 2 years.