Mark Zuckerberg

Experience the LIVE, gamified E-Lon VS Zuckerborg fight: Clash of the Algorithms

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월요일, 3월 18, 2024

The live showdown is set to take place during Shoptalk 2024 in Las Vegas, NV and will be streaming on Evolv AI's LinkedIn .

Key Points: 
  • The live showdown is set to take place during Shoptalk 2024 in Las Vegas, NV and will be streaming on Evolv AI's LinkedIn .
  • Live Event: Mandalay Bay | Las Vegas, Nevada
    Live Stream: Follow Evolv AI's LinkedIn page to watch and engage in the battle's gamified experience.
  • Shoptalk attendees will have the opportunity to enter into a raffle to win custom-made, limited edition battle kits, allowing them to bring the battle home.
  • Connect with Evolv AI on LinkedIn to learn how you can throw your own punches during the event.

How the 'visionaries' of Silicon Valley mean profits are prioritised over true technological progress

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토요일, 12월 30, 2023

Often feted as geniuses, they are the faces behind the gadgets and media that so many of us depend upon.

Key Points: 
  • Often feted as geniuses, they are the faces behind the gadgets and media that so many of us depend upon.
  • For there are many who consider the private sector to be far better equipped than the public sector to solve major challenges.
  • And my work suggests a further disconnect: that the profit motive seen across Silicon Valley (and beyond) frequently impedes innovation rather than improving it.
  • Allowing executives focused on profits to set technological agendas can incur public costs too.
  • And this partly explains why major historical innovations emerged from public sector institutions which are relatively insulated from short-term financial pressures.
  • Market forces alone rarely achieve transformative breakthroughs like space programs or the creation of the internet.
  • Here those scientists’ and engineers’ talents may be directed at helping advertisers to better keep hold of our attention.

Digital destiny

  • “Open knowledge institutions” and platform cooperatives are focused on innovation for the collective good rather than individual glory.
  • If they do, the coming decades could see the development of healthier innovation ecosystems which go beyond corporations and their executive rule.
  • There will still be a place for the quirky “genius” of Musk and Zuckerberg and their fellow Silicon Valley billionaires.

Peter Bloom does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Social Marketplace HUG Brings the Cozomo de' Medici Collection and Emerging Artists to Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo

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수요일, 9월 6, 2023

NEW YORK, Sept. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- HUG, a social marketplace that connects digital artists with art lovers, announced today an Open Call for artists to submit their work to be showcased alongside six artworks from The Medici Collection at the iconic Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, Japan.

Key Points: 
  • NEW YORK, Sept. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- HUG, a social marketplace that connects digital artists with art lovers, announced today an Open Call for artists to submit their work to be showcased alongside six artworks from The Medici Collection at the iconic Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, Japan.
  • "HUG's mission is to help every artist become an entrepreneur & make a living off their art," said CEO Randi Zuckerberg.
  • "HUG's mission is to help every single artist become an entrepreneur and make a living off their art.
  • The artists that will be displayed from The Medici Collection are Claire Silver, XCOPY, Sam Spratt, Dawnia Darkstone, Beeple, and Grant Yun.

Michael Oher, Mike Tyson and the question of whether you own your life story

Retrieved on: 
목요일, 8월 31, 2023

Just a year earlier, former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson was similarly incensed when he learned that Hulu had created a miniseries dramatizing his career without seeking his permission.

Key Points: 
  • Just a year earlier, former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson was similarly incensed when he learned that Hulu had created a miniseries dramatizing his career without seeking his permission.
  • “They stole my life story and didn’t pay me,” Tyson charged in an Instagram post.
  • Oher and Tyson – not to mention countless influencers and wannabe celebs – share the conviction that they own, and can monetize, their life stories.
  • And why do publishers and studios routinely pay large sums to acquire rights that don’t exist?

No monopoly on the truth

    • So you can’t sell a T-shirt with Mike Tyson’s face on it without his permission, but writing a book about his rise to fame is fair game.
    • In the U.S., the freedom to describe historical events is rooted in the free speech clause of the First Amendment, and it’s a fundamental principle that no one – whether it’s a news agency, political party or celebrity – holds a monopoly on the truth.
    • The First Amendment, however, does allow authors and film producers to truthfully depict factual events that they have legitimately learned about.

The origin of life story ‘rights’

    • Even showing an architecturally distinctive building often requires the consent of a copyright owner, which is why the video game “Spider-Man: Miles Morales” had to remove the Chrysler Building.
    • Along with these other rights and permissions, Hollywood studios have paid individuals for their life stories for at least a century.
    • Yet, unlike copyright clearances, life story deals do not involve the acquisition of known intellectual property rights.

Exceptions don’t make the rule

    • As always with the law, though, there are exceptions.
    • In moving forward with the project, they risked a defamation or publicity suit by Zuckerberg and others depicted in the film.
    • Nevertheless, other subjects who have been depicted in dramatic features without their authorization have sued to recover a share of the profits.
    • But many producers hope to get ahead of a flimsy lawsuit and bad publicity by acquiring nonexistent rights.

History is in the public domain

    • Doing so can convey respect toward the subject and make the production go more smoothly.
    • This expectation increases production costs and the risk of litigation, thereby deterring otherwise worthwhile projects and depriving the public of meaningful content that is based on true stories.
    • Collective history, in our view, belongs in the public domain.

As Meta launches its Threads microblogging site, Twitter is being kicked while it's down

Retrieved on: 
월요일, 7월 10, 2023

For once, he is on the receiving end as Meta launches its microblogging platform Threads to take advantage of his difficulties at Twitter.

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  • For once, he is on the receiving end as Meta launches its microblogging platform Threads to take advantage of his difficulties at Twitter.
  • Twitter, in effect, has been a near-monopoly in the realm of short pithy quotes from the well-known.
  • Dorsey was joint founder of the business and someone with more liberal views than Donald Trump.

Paying too much?

    • He tried to pull out of the deal realising he had over-bid for the business.
    • Boards are often accused of retrenchment when rebuffing bids and looking to protect their own jobs, power, status and pay.
    • At the same time, he felt the business was wallowing in cost and could make a better job of attracting advertisers.

Tesla losing out?

    • So far, Musk has antagonised virtually all stakeholders of Twitter and irritated other shareholders of Tesla – one of his major successes.
    • He scythed through the workforce, reducing the 8,500 employees to 1,500 in a matter of weeks.
    • However, she may find her remit limited by a chairman who may want to intervene.

Strategic mistake?

    • However, Musk may also have been guilty of strategic mistakes: if a company relies on advertising for revenue, then it needs to maximise users to create advertising reach.
    • Charging Tweeters and those reading Tweets is not going to maximise users, because many of them may simply leave.
    • While Twitter was undoubtedly heavy on cost before Musk took over, the extent of the staff cuts has left content frequently unmoderated.
    • Also, problems are brewing with regulatory authorities around the speed of removal of controversial material that appears on Twitter.
    • Unlike the proposed cage fight between Zuckerberg and Musk, this clash of social media companies can’t be settled by a simple knockout.

The 'Murph' challenge: what to know about this CrossFit workout

Retrieved on: 
토요일, 6월 10, 2023

This gruelling CrossFit workout involves running one mile, doing 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and running another mile, all while wearing a weighted vest.

Key Points: 
  • This gruelling CrossFit workout involves running one mile, doing 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and running another mile, all while wearing a weighted vest.
  • The CrossFit workout changes daily, with participants typically doing a workout about three times a week, depending on their fitness level.
  • The toughest CrossFit workouts are known as “hero” workouts, dedicated to deceased soldiers such as Murphy.

The ‘Murph’ challenge

    This particular workout comprises the following, done as fast as you can:
    • The runs must be at the beginning and end of the workout, but the pull ups, push ups and squats can be split up as required.
    • For example, beginners might start with 20 rounds of five pull ups, ten push ups, and 15 squats.
    • When more advanced, this can progress to ten rounds of ten pull ups, 20 push ups and 30 squats.

A difficult workout

    • The Murph workout is challenging because it stresses most major muscle groups: the back and shoulder muscles with the pull ups, the chest with the push ups, and the legs and torso with the squats.
    • So, this workout will build excellent cardiovascular fitness while developing strength and muscular endurance in the upper and lower body.

What about the risks?

    • These findings are supported by a questionnaire of 132 CrossFit participants, that reported an injury rate of 3.1 injuries per 1,000 hours of training.
    • This rate is comparable to competitive contact sports such as rugby, as well as gymnastics, weight lifting and power lifting.
    • Injuries in CrossFit are most likely to be to the shoulders and lower back, and typically happen during either power lifting or gymnastics.

Rhabdomyolysis: a dangerous condition

    • In rhabdomyolysis, muscle is damaged causing extreme muscle soreness and the release of proteins into the blood.
    • This condition is often seen in crush victims, but rhabdomyolysis as a result of extreme, unfamiliar exercise (exertional rhabdomyolysis) accounts for almost half of cases.
    • For those looking to try Murph for the first time, perhaps have a go without the weighted vest.

Grain and Farm Supply Cooperatives Have Options for Managing Skyrocketing Insurance Costs

Retrieved on: 
수요일, 6월 7, 2023

DENVER, June 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grain and farm supply cooperatives are facing sharply higher property insurance premiums due to the increasing frequency and severity of weather-related disasters.

Key Points: 
  • DENVER, June 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grain and farm supply cooperatives are facing sharply higher property insurance premiums due to the increasing frequency and severity of weather-related disasters.
  • The CoBank report outlines strategies grain and farm supply cooperatives can evaluate to mitigate higher costs for insuring grain elevators, input storage buildings and other facilities.
  • The magnitude of three consecutive years of above-average losses has driven one Omaha-based underwriter of property insurance for grain and farm supply cooperatives to exit the market.
  • Participating in a hybrid insurance program created and managed by a specialty carrier or broker is another option available to cooperatives.

Dr. Edward Zuckerberg Joins VELMENI's Advisory Board

Retrieved on: 
화요일, 4월 25, 2023

SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- VELMENI , a leader in artificial intelligence technology for dental applications, announced today that it welcomed Dr. Edward Zuckerberg to its Dental Advisory Board alongside other prominent industry leaders.

Key Points: 
  • SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- VELMENI , a leader in artificial intelligence technology for dental applications, announced today that it welcomed Dr. Edward Zuckerberg to its Dental Advisory Board alongside other prominent industry leaders.
  • Dr. Zuckerberg is known for his early adoption of technological advances that grew his practice and improved patient care.
  • "Dr. Zuckerberg will add tremendous value to our advisory board," says Mini Suri, CEO of VELMENI.
  • Dr. Zuckerberg is a powerful addition to an advisory board already stacked with talented dental professionals."

Social Marketplace HUG Raises $5M Seed Round Led by DIGITAL, OKX Ventures, to Build Creator-First Commerce for Artists

Retrieved on: 
수요일, 4월 12, 2023

OKX Ventures, the investment arm of OKX, the second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, also participated in the round.

Key Points: 
  • OKX Ventures, the investment arm of OKX, the second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, also participated in the round.
  • "HUG is democratizing access to art and changing how artists get discovered", said CEO Randi Zuckerberg.
  • Launched in February 2022, HUG was founded by CEO Randi Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook Live and award-winning Broadway producer.
  • HUG will use the investment to accelerate product growth and integrate market leading creator-first commerce features with its existing social curation and discovery tools.


Retrieved on: 
수요일, 11월 16, 2022

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Virtualness, a mobile-first platform designed to help creators and brands navigate the complex world of Web3, announced today it has secured over $8M in seed funding. The fundraise was led by Blockchange Ventures, and joined by Polygon Ventures, F7 Ventures, Micron Ventures, Oceans Ventures, Neythri Futures Fund, Carolyn Everson, Randi Zuckerberg, Nusier Yassin (Nas Daily), Nikki Farb, Stacy Brown-Philpot, and other thought-leaders.

Key Points: 
  • Education, personalization, discovery, integration with Web2 and Web3 platforms and a mobile-first experience are core to the platform.
  • Reddy and Doshi will leverage their decades of global entrepreneurial experience partnering with creators, media, brands, and tech platforms.
  • Kirthiga and Saurabh's experiences are custom-built to help those who want to tap into Web3 but don't know how.
  • Founded in 2022 by industry leaders Kirthiga Reddy and Saurabh Doshi, Virtualness puts creators first and is building the playbook for easy design, efficient sharing and seamless digital commerce.