
TCT 2023: The Efficacy and Safety of the SMART Trial Presented by World Renowned Expert

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금요일, 11월 10, 2023

The joint SMART Study Investigators-Felix Mahfoud presentation attracted substantial interest and admiration from the audience at the conference.

Key Points: 
  • The joint SMART Study Investigators-Felix Mahfoud presentation attracted substantial interest and admiration from the audience at the conference.
  • The SMART Study enrolled 220 patients with uncontrolled hypertension at a 1:1 ratio into msRDN and Sham groups between November 2016 and February 2022.
  • The results demonstrated the safety and efficacy of renal msRDN to treat uncontrolled hypertension via only four ablations on each side of the renal main artery.
  • Given this context, RDN was one of the central themes and most hotly pursued topics during the TCT conference this year.

EuroPCR 2023 | 6 Month Outcome of the SMART Study: satisfactory BP control achieved with reduced medication burden

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금요일, 5월 19, 2023

It demonstrates that msRDN can effectively control blood pressure while greatly reducing the dosage of antihypertensive drugs.

Key Points: 
  • It demonstrates that msRDN can effectively control blood pressure while greatly reducing the dosage of antihypertensive drugs.
  • In the 6 months follow-up with a strict drug regimen, the msRDN group demonstrated effective blood pressure control.
  • OSBP control rate of the msRDN group was 95% with significantly reduced drug burden compared to the sham group.
  • The result is a resounding prove that patients in the msRDN group can achieve satisfactory BP control with markedly lower anti-hypertensive drug dosage.