Right to petition

District Attorney Recall Picks Up Pace

Retrieved on: 
月曜日, 4月 19, 2021

b'SAN FRANCISCO, April 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The recall of embattled San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, one of a band of so-called progressive/rogue DAs elected around the country, is gathering significant steam.\n"It has been a little more than a month since we launched the recall petition, first online," explains recall committee chairman Richie Greenberg, "We are energized.

Key Points: 
  • b'SAN FRANCISCO, April 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The recall of embattled San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, one of a band of so-called progressive/rogue DAs elected around the country, is gathering significant steam.\n"It has been a little more than a month since we launched the recall petition, first online," explains recall committee chairman Richie Greenberg, "We are energized.
  • We are keeping sight on the August 11th deadline as operations will ramp up significantly in the next week.
  • Instead, policies which protect criminals coupled with no prosecutorial experience have resulted in a dismantling of virtually all criminal trials.
  • "\nThe Committee Supporting the Recall of District Attorney Chesa Boudin leads the recall effort, with website at https://RecallChesaBoudin.org .\nView original content to download multimedia: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/district-attorney-recall-picks-u...\n'

Old Online Articles Prevent a Fresh Start

Retrieved on: 
水曜日, 2月 3, 2021

Sadly, the initiative has been sabotaged by the editorial policies of countless media entities with online presences.

Key Points: 
  • Sadly, the initiative has been sabotaged by the editorial policies of countless media entities with online presences.
  • Even if the case is later dismissed or the person is found not guilty, the story remains online.
  • Convictions are also widely reported, and the online story links remain permanently hosted even if the case is later sealed.
  • The Boston Globe's recently announced "Fresh Start" initiative allows individuals to appeal to the publication to have old online articles edited or taken down ( https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/01/22/metro/globes-fresh-start-initiati... .

State Senator Emmett Hanger Announces New PAC 'Virginians for a Better Tomorrow' to Support Bipartisan Redistricting

Retrieved on: 
月曜日, 9月 21, 2020

"Our only chance to put citizens first, instead of politicians, is to pass the Constitutional Amendment that creates a bipartisan, citizen-led, Commission to draw new districts," Senator Hanger said.

Key Points: 
  • "Our only chance to put citizens first, instead of politicians, is to pass the Constitutional Amendment that creates a bipartisan, citizen-led, Commission to draw new districts," Senator Hanger said.
  • The Constitutional Amendment would establish a bipartisan group of both citizens and legislators to draw new district lines in a public process.
  • Hanger noted that a bipartisan citizen group, One Virginia 2021, has been a significant force behind getting this initiative on the ballot.
  • Virginians for a Better Tomorrow has been organized by Senator Hanger as a political action committee.

Lobbyist And Policy Advisor Sherry D. Nickerson Joins Old Line Government Affairs As New Director

Retrieved on: 
木曜日, 9月 10, 2020

BALTIMORE, Sept. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Sherry D. Nickerson, an experienced lobbyist and policy advisor with an extensive background advancing client interests and shaping policy positions while developing relationships with federal and state government officials, today joins Old Line Government Affairs as its newest Government Affairs Director.

Key Points: 
  • BALTIMORE, Sept. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Sherry D. Nickerson, an experienced lobbyist and policy advisor with an extensive background advancing client interests and shaping policy positions while developing relationships with federal and state government officials, today joins Old Line Government Affairs as its newest Government Affairs Director.
  • "Sherry's diverse background and strategic advocacy skills make her a valuable addition to the Old Line team and its clients."
  • Old Line Government Affairs LLC, a subsidiary of Nemphos Braue LLC, is the preeminent government affairs consulting firm in Maryland.
  • Old Line uses a hands-on approach while representing clients on complex matters before executive and legislative branches of State and local government.

The 1817 mass petitions for parliamentary reform

Retrieved on: 
水曜日, 7月 1, 2020

Before the Chartists, and before Peterloo, the 1817 petitioning campaign for parliamentary reform was a landmark in popular politics.

Key Points: 
  • Before the Chartists, and before Peterloo, the 1817 petitioning campaign for parliamentary reform was a landmark in popular politics.
  • William Cobbetts mass-circulation, 'Address to Journeymen and Labourers', of November 1816 is famous as the launch pad for the post-war radical movement that led to Peterloo.
  • What is less well-known is that Cobbetts strategy was not rebellion, as often assumed, but petitioning.
  • The plan was devised by Major John Cartwright, a veteran advocate of universal (manhood) suffrage, who proposed an innovative form of petitioning.
  • In the Manchester region petitions were seized and destroyed, and their organisers arrested.
  • Throughout the eighteenth century, non-electors had joined petitions on single issues of all sorts, as Philip Lofts 'Petition of the Month' contribution for June 2019 demonstrates.
  • In the terrible winter of 1816-17, when a severe post-war slump was compounded by harvest failure and the hated Corn Laws, meetings were called all over the country to discuss parliamentary reform.
  • The largest batch, of over 500 local petitions, was presented by his colleague Sir Francis Burdett a fortnight later.
  • We will never know how many signatures there were altogether, but there were over 700 reform petitions in all.
  • In the short term, reformers gave up on petitioning in favour of the mass platform campaign of 1819, which aimed to bring about reform through irresistible force of numbers.
  • The right to petition without restriction (save for tumult) was recognised, even for non-electors, clearing the way for the successful reform campaigns of 1830-32 and after.
  • Image: Henry Hunt and petition, detail from the 1817 print 'Spa Fields Orator Hunt' The Trustees of the British Museum

The 1817 mass petitions for parliamentary reform

Retrieved on: 
水曜日, 7月 1, 2020

Before the Chartists, and before Peterloo, the 1817 petitioning campaign for parliamentary reform was a landmark in popular politics.

Key Points: 
  • Before the Chartists, and before Peterloo, the 1817 petitioning campaign for parliamentary reform was a landmark in popular politics.
  • William Cobbetts mass-circulation, 'Address to Journeymen and Labourers', of November 1816 is famous as the launch pad for the post-war radical movement that led to Peterloo.
  • What is less well-known is that Cobbetts strategy was not rebellion, as often assumed, but petitioning.
  • The plan was devised by Major John Cartwright, a veteran advocate of universal (manhood) suffrage, who proposed an innovative form of petitioning.
  • In the Manchester region petitions were seized and destroyed, and their organisers arrested.
  • Throughout the eighteenth century, non-electors had joined petitions on single issues of all sorts, as Philip Lofts 'Petition of the Month' contribution for June 2019 demonstrates.
  • In the terrible winter of 1816-17, when a severe post-war slump was compounded by harvest failure and the hated Corn Laws, meetings were called all over the country to discuss parliamentary reform.
  • The largest batch, of over 500 local petitions, was presented by his colleague Sir Francis Burdett a fortnight later.
  • We will never know how many signatures there were altogether, but there were over 700 reform petitions in all.
  • In the short term, reformers gave up on petitioning in favour of the mass platform campaign of 1819, which aimed to bring about reform through irresistible force of numbers.
  • The right to petition without restriction (save for tumult) was recognised, even for non-electors, clearing the way for the successful reform campaigns of 1830-32 and after.
  • Image: Henry Hunt and petition, detail from the 1817 print 'Spa Fields Orator Hunt' The Trustees of the British Museum

Shegerian & Associates: Emmy Award Winning Producer, Who Advocated for Diversity in Newsrooms, May Proceed on His Claims Against CNN For Race Discrimination, Retaliation, Court Rules

Retrieved on: 
金曜日, 6月 19, 2020

CNN previously had filed an Anti-SLAPP motion based on the argument that it had the First Amendment right to fire Wilson, a producer.

Key Points: 
  • CNN previously had filed an Anti-SLAPP motion based on the argument that it had the First Amendment right to fire Wilson, a producer.
  • Thereafter, the Supreme Court remanded the case back to the Court of Appeal to determine the second prong of the test: if Wilson's claims had minimal merit.
  • On remand, the Court of Appeal, again, found in favor of Wilson, holding that his claims do in fact maintain the requisite minimal merit to proceed.
  • CNN again petitioned to the Supreme Court to reverse the Court of Appeal.

Press release - Coronavirus: urgent response to support citizens, regions and countries

Retrieved on: 
火曜日, 3月 17, 2020

Regional Development Committee triggers the urgent procedure to adopt the Corona Response Investment Initiative measures.

Key Points: 
  • Regional Development Committee triggers the urgent procedure to adopt the Corona Response Investment Initiative measures.
  • Any delay would result in more lives being lost and additional difficulties for European regions, companies and citizens.
  • We are opening the door and I am convinced that the same spirit will prevail within the Council.
  • Amending EU funding rules falls under the co-decision procedure, so both Parliament and Council will need to adopt them.

Experts to discuss impacts of frivolous defamation lawsuits during March 17 Sunshine Week event

Retrieved on: 
火曜日, 3月 3, 2020

Reservations for the free event are required and can be made here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sunshine-week-frivolous-lawsuits-and-their-... .

Key Points: 
  • Reservations for the free event are required and can be made here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sunshine-week-frivolous-lawsuits-and-their-... .
  • These lawsuits are often brought by wealthy, powerful individuals and institutions who may object to news coverage criticalof their activities.
  • In recent years, state legislatures have responded to the growing prevalence of frivolous defamation lawsuits by passing or strengtheninganti-SLAPP laws.
  • As the non-profit affiliate of the National Press Club, the Institute serves as a beacon for journalism in the public interest.

Supporters of the Fairness for Injured Patients Initiative Announce 307,000 Signatures Collected for Measure to Update 1975 Cap on Compensation for Medical Negligence Victims

Retrieved on: 
木曜日, 1月 16, 2020

A total 623,212 valid signatures must be submitted by May to place the measure before voters at this year's election.

Key Points: 
  • A total 623,212 valid signatures must be submitted by May to place the measure before voters at this year's election.
  • Initiative proponents typically collect 30% more signatures than are required because some signatures will be deemed invalid.
  • The Fairness for Injured Patients Act (FIPA) will adjust the compensation cap imposed on injured patients by Sacramento politicians in 1975 that has never been adjusted.
  • The initiative requires that juries be told about the cap, which it indexes for inflation to approximately $1.2 million.