Sense and reference

How Sinn Féin reinvented itself from IRA associations to realistic leftwing alternative

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Martedì, Febbraio 6, 2024

This iconic quote from the founder of Irish Republicanism, Theobald Wolfe Tone, needs no contextualisation in Ireland.

Key Points: 
  • This iconic quote from the founder of Irish Republicanism, Theobald Wolfe Tone, needs no contextualisation in Ireland.
  • It was not just meant to reassure those among unionists who might have misgivings about a Sinn Féin-led government.
  • Sinn Féin party president Mary Lou McDonald echoed the same sentiments almost immediately in Dublin.
  • It succeeded in providing a credible, leftwing alternative to the two-party system that had seen Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael dominate Irish politics since independence.

In government and opposition

  • Being in government on one side and in opposition on the other, all at the same time, will therefore be a delicate balance to sustain.
  • In the Republic, Sinn Féin has kept the two main parties, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil, on their toes.
  • But while it has retained its lead over its two rivals, opinion polls show that the gap is slowly narrowing.
  • However,‘ we can expect her and her colleagues to continue to put Irish unity at the top of the agenda.

Agnès Maillot does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Michelle O'Neill becomes first minister of Northern Ireland: how Sinn Féin reinvented itself from IRA associations to realistic leftwing alternative

Retrieved on: 
Martedì, Febbraio 6, 2024

This iconic quote from the founder of Irish Republicanism, Theobald Wolfe Tone, needs no contextualisation in Ireland.

Key Points: 
  • This iconic quote from the founder of Irish Republicanism, Theobald Wolfe Tone, needs no contextualisation in Ireland.
  • It was not just meant to reassure those among unionists who might have misgivings about a Sinn Féin-led government.
  • She was guaranteeing that while the party will do its utmost to make Northern Ireland work, it has not lost sight of the ultimate prize – Irish unity.
  • In a carefully crafted speech full of optimistic prophecies, O’Neill announced a “new dawn” and the start of a “decade of opportunity” for Northern Ireland.

In government and opposition

  • Being in government on one side and in opposition on the other, all at the same time, will therefore be a delicate balance to sustain.
  • In the Republic, Sinn Féin has kept the two main parties, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil, on their toes.
  • But while it has retained its lead over its two rivals, opinion polls show that the gap is slowly narrowing.
  • However,‘ we can expect her and her colleagues to continue to put Irish unity at the top of the agenda.

Agnès Maillot does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

How Israel failed to learn from the Northern Ireland peace process

Retrieved on: 
Mercoledì, Gennaio 3, 2024

The Good Friday agreement which brought peace to Northern Ireland a quarter of a century ago, provided a clear guide.

Key Points: 
  • The Good Friday agreement which brought peace to Northern Ireland a quarter of a century ago, provided a clear guide.
  • They have to do what the negotiating teams, of which I was a part, did in Northern Ireland.
  • The problem is Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his ally, the United States of America, who have failed to apply the lessons of Northern Ireland to Middle East peacemaking.

How ‘peace polls’ work

  • The objective was to determine the precise points of common ground, where they existed, or effective compromise where it was needed for peacemaking.
  • So I always made a point of hand delivering the reports to Mitchell and the parties the day before they were published.
  • Through public opinion polls the people gained a seat at the negotiating table, and through a referendum the deal was made.

When it all went wrong

  • I had been in touch with Mitchell and met him in his office at the State Department.
  • At that time I had also been running peace polls in Sri Lanka with support from the Norwegians.
  • So I did not get the funding and Mitchell eventually resigned his post without achieving peace in May 2011.
  • But I had made all necessary preparations and contacts with all the parties to the conflict to make it work.
  • My pollster Mina Zemach was a good friend of Peres and had been his pollster when he led the Labour party.
  • Like Sinn Féin they had a legitimate grievance and said they would be happy to cooperate with the peace polls.

Misplaced optimism

  • In my optimism at the time, I thought perhaps that Clinton – if she became president – would send her husband to the Middle East as her special envoy.
  • Bill Clinton had got very close to making an agreement some years earlier with the “Clinton parameters”, but he ran out of time.
  • And then Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump – and so we are where we are.
  • It is just as likely that my optimism was misplaced and that Clinton and possibly Joe Biden – who has always been a very strong supporter of Israel – did not want to oppose Netanyahu for domestic political reasons.

Colin John Irwin receives funding from: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in South East Europe, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, OneVoice, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (now FCDO), Economic and Social Research Council (UK ESRC), United Nations, InterPeace, Health and Welfare Canada, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), British Academy, Norwegian Peoples Aid, The Day After, No Peace Without Justice, US Department of State, Local Administrations Council Unit (Syria), Asia Foundation, Department for International Development (UK DFID), OpenAI, Atlantic Philanthropies, Universities: Dalhousie, Manitoba, Syracuse, Pennsylvania, Queens Belfast, Liverpool. Also member of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) which promotes freedom to publish public opinion polls and sets international professional standards.

Luca Mining and EnviroGold Global Announce MOU to Reprocess Historical Tailings at Campo Morado Mine

Retrieved on: 
Martedì, Agosto 29, 2023

The scope of the initial project is to evaluate the reprocessing of the historical Campo Morado ("Campo") tailings that are currently being stored in Campo's original tailings storage facility.

Key Points: 
  • The scope of the initial project is to evaluate the reprocessing of the historical Campo Morado ("Campo") tailings that are currently being stored in Campo's original tailings storage facility.
  • EnviroGold and Luca will work together to develop a definitive processing agreement that will provide a stage-gated approach to the development of the Project.
  • The Project will follow the standard approach with EnviroGold working with Luca to complete a preliminary economic assessment ("PEA").
  • Initial testwork on Campo Morado tailings samples in 2021 achieved preliminary gold recoveries of approximately 60% using EnviroGold's proprietary NVRO technology.

The coronation of King Charles III: 5 Essential reads on the big royal bash – and what it all means

Retrieved on: 
Giovedì, Maggio 4, 2023

The United Kingdom is about to embark on an orgy of flag-waving pomp and pageantry in celebration of King Charles III’s coronation.

Key Points: 
  • The United Kingdom is about to embark on an orgy of flag-waving pomp and pageantry in celebration of King Charles III’s coronation.
  • Charles is already the ruling monarch, having ascended to the throne following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth II in 2022.

1. 3 days of celebration

    • Not content with dedicating just one day to the coronation, the Brits are putting on a three-day extravaganza starting May 6, 2023.
    • As Pauline Maclaran from the Royal Holloway University of London explained, that Saturday will be dedicated to the actual formal proceedings.
    • But it won’t just be Brits marking the occasion, especially at the central event on Saturday.

2. A notable no-show

    • There will be one notable absence among the overseas well-wishers at the coronation: President Joe Biden.
    • In fact, no U.S. president has ever attended a British monarch’s coronation.
    • But, Chernock notes, what is perhaps of more importance is whom the U.S. leader sends in his stead.
    • Read more:
      Biden's coronation no-show is no snub – more telling is whom he sends to King Charles' big day

3. But look who is going

    • That far-fetched theory seems even more so when you look at who is attending.
    • Sinn Féin’s acceptance of the invitation is part of the same effort, but also has a more political intent,” McLoughlin wrote.
    • Read more:
      Sinn Féin at the coronation: how to understand Michelle O'Neill's decision to attend King Charles's big day

4. Charles’ transatlantic cousins

    • But that shouldn’t stop residents of Buckingham, Virginia, or Westminster, Colorado, from joining in the fun alongside the folk of their place namesakes in the U.K.
    • Indeed, there might be one or two people there who can legitimately lay claim to having a bit of royal blood themselves.
    • “It’s fair to ask what it really means to say that someone is a direct descendant of royalty,” King pondered.

5. What next for Charles?

Sinn Féin at the coronation: how to understand Michelle O'Neill's decision to attend King Charles's big day

Retrieved on: 
Lunedì, Maggio 1, 2023

Sinn Féin vice president Michelle O'Neill’s acceptance of the offer to attend the coronation of King Charles III may come a surprise to some.

Key Points: 
  • Sinn Féin vice president Michelle O'Neill’s acceptance of the offer to attend the coronation of King Charles III may come a surprise to some.
  • However, history is a complicating factor in this case, and even today Sinn Féin still refuses to take its seats in the Westminster parliament.
  • This is an expression of its refusal to recognise British sovereignty over Northern Ireland.
  • Sinn Féin will argue that attending Charles’s coronation is merely a mark of respectful neighbourly relations rather than any act of fidelity.

Symbolic meetings

    • When the Queen visited Northern Ireland the following year, Martin McGuinness was equally eager to meet her and shake her hand.
    • The Queen’s reciprocation provided an enduring image of the Northern Ireland peace process, and a move that was rich in symbolism.
    • McGuinness was a former commander in the IRA, the organisation responsible for killing the Queen’s cousin, Lord Mountbatten, in 1979.

Smart politics

    • Sinn Féin’s acceptance of the invitation is part of the same effort, but also has a more political intent.
    • Good relations with its nearest neighbour, whatever the difficult past, or the more recent tensions over Brexit, are essential to this.
    • By attending King Charles’ coronation, Sinn Féin is demonstrating that it is up to the task.
    • Sinn Féin, by contrast, is playing a long political game, but one geared towards the same end goal.

KBRA Europe Releases Research – Northern Ireland Assembly Election Generates Uncertainty

Retrieved on: 
Lunedì, Maggio 9, 2022

KBRA Europe (KBRA) releases research following Sinn Fins symbolic victory in the Northern Ireland Assembly elections on 5 May.

Key Points: 
  • KBRA Europe (KBRA) releases research following Sinn Fins symbolic victory in the Northern Ireland Assembly elections on 5 May.
  • While attention might turn to a united Ireland proposal, KBRA expects this dynamic to brew over several years.
  • Sinn Fins victory marks its economic policy platform as well as Brexit stance.
  • The election result could add to the turbulent course ahead for the EU and the UK.