Orthodox Church

Georgia’s government plays into Putin’s hands as it moves to suppress art and culture

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Mercoledì, Aprile 3, 2024

After all, why would Russia’s president need to get involved in states where homegrown politicians seem more than prepared to do his work for him?

Key Points: 
  • After all, why would Russia’s president need to get involved in states where homegrown politicians seem more than prepared to do his work for him?
  • More secular Georgians, and those who favour closer relations with the EU and Nato, fear a creeping Russification of society.
  • This would potentially lead to increased harassment of anyone from the LGBTQ+ community to single parents to vegans and vegetarians.

Cultural crackdown

  • The crackdown on culture began when Thea Tsukuliani was named minister of culture, sport and youth in March 2021.
  • Then, on May 24 2022, the cultural purge began and 22 staff members were fired.
  • The 22 had one thing in common: they had expressed disquiet about the apparent politicisation of Georgian cultural heritage, and argued that archaeology and related disciplines should not be controlled by Georgian Dream.

Punishing dissent

  • By September 2022, more than 70 members of staff at the Georgian National Museum had lost their positions.
  • Anyone who dared to speak up in solidarity was informed they were failing in their work duties and dismissed with immediate effect.
  • Within a few months, the threat had spread to other cultural professionals, such as those in the theatre and film industries.
  • The older group had, over the past decade, started to believe they could entrust their work to this new generation.

Election hopes and fears

  • Georgian Dream, which has been leading a governing coalition since 2012, is seeking to extend its mandate.
  • If it wins again, the feeling in Georgia is that nothing will hold back the creeping Russification of Georgian society that this cultural censorship is facilitating.

Emma Loosley Leeming does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Amsterdam & Partners LLP: Ukraine’s Ruling Party Displays Shocking Political Opportunism by Pursuing Church Ban on Day of Tragedy

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Venerdì, Gennaio 26, 2024

“I can think of no act more disgusting or reprehensible than to seek to deflect attention away from negligence following such a tragic loss of lives,” said Amsterdam.

Key Points: 
  • “I can think of no act more disgusting or reprehensible than to seek to deflect attention away from negligence following such a tragic loss of lives,” said Amsterdam.
  • It is not the time to take away places of worship from the faithful and continue with these ugly politics of division.
  • More information about Amsterdam & Partners LLP is available at https://amsterdamandpartners.com .
  • View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240126078438/en/

Ukraine’s churches are adopting the western calendar – but not everyone is happy

Retrieved on: 
Giovedì, Gennaio 4, 2024

A reformed calendar was first disseminated in 1582 on the authority of Pope Gregory XIII.

Key Points: 
  • A reformed calendar was first disseminated in 1582 on the authority of Pope Gregory XIII.
  • While most of Europe has come to recognise the Gregorian calendar for both religious and civil purposes, a number of eastern Slavic churches – both Orthodox and Catholic – have retained the Julian calendar in their liturgical life.
  • A recent consultation by the Greek Catholic bishops indicated that a majority of the faithful now favoured a switch to the western calendar.
  • As Father Andriy, a young Orthodox priest, told the BBC, this is simultaneously perceived as a “returning back to Europe, where we belong.”

Costs and benefits

  • It necessarily sows division within families whose members belong to different Orthodox churches, celebrating Christmas on different days.
  • In 2023 there was no public holiday on December 25 due to martial law, while January 7 2024 is a holiday because it falls on a Sunday.
  • If citizens enjoy a public holiday on the December 25 but continue to take days off work to enjoy private celebrations two weeks later, the change will have economic costs.
  • Symbolic costs and benefits are harder to quantify.

Chris Hann does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

New White Paper Details Attacks on Religious Freedom in Ukraine; Urges Washington to Oppose Controversial Draft Law

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Mercoledì, Gennaio 3, 2024

Warning of the Ukrainian government’s imminent passage of the controversial Draft Law 8371, the law firm of Amsterdam & Partners LLP is today releasing a new white paper detailing sweeping abuses of human rights and violations of religious freedom by the Ukrainian government aimed against their client, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC).

Key Points: 
  • Warning of the Ukrainian government’s imminent passage of the controversial Draft Law 8371, the law firm of Amsterdam & Partners LLP is today releasing a new white paper detailing sweeping abuses of human rights and violations of religious freedom by the Ukrainian government aimed against their client, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC).
  • According to the white paper, clergy and members of the UOC have faced harassment, intimidation, sanctions, and imprisonment since the outbreak of the war.
  • “This white paper is a wake-up call to Western leaders who for too long have ignored corrupt conduct on behalf of the Ukrainians.
  • The release of the white paper is accompanied by a short documentary video, “ Christianity under Attack: Ukraine .”
    View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240103853724/en/

Ukrainian Orthodox Church Appoints Amsterdam & Partners LLP to Defend Against Attack on Religious Freedoms

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Mercoledì, Ottobre 18, 2023

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) has announced the appointment of international lawyer Robert Amsterdam of Amsterdam & Partners LLP to assist the international response to escalating attacks by the Government of Ukraine.

Key Points: 
  • The Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) has announced the appointment of international lawyer Robert Amsterdam of Amsterdam & Partners LLP to assist the international response to escalating attacks by the Government of Ukraine.
  • The retention of Amsterdam & Partners LLP was approved by the Holy Synod of the UOC in late September and is being announced publicly today following media reports that the controversial Draft Law 8371 is close to passage by the Ukrainian Rada.
  • Draft Law 8371 seeks to amend the Ukrainian law “On the freedom of conscience and religious organizations” in certain respects, allowing the legislature to selectively punish religious communities and interfere with their rights to worship freely.
  • Amsterdam & Partners LLP is an international law firm with offices in London and Washington DC.


Retrieved on: 
Giovedì, Agosto 31, 2023

WASHINGTON, Aug. 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Advocates of Ukraine, in collaboration with prominent organizations and religious institutions, have announced the launch of a global campaign to raise awareness for the man-made famine known as the Holodomor genocide during its 90th anniversary year.

Key Points: 
  • Additionally, Ukrainian Catholic Churches and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches have pledged support, along with an array of Ukrainian advocacy organizations and anti-genocide groups, further amplifying the impact and reach of the initiative.
  • The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), an influential organization representing the Ukrainian worldwide diaspora, has also expressed its endorsement of the campaign.
  • We need voices to be raised and the support of allies to rally together on this 90th Anniversary."
  • The website will provide a comprehensive overview of campaign activities and events, educational resources, personal testimonies, and ways to get involved.

Amsterdam & Partners LLP Retained by Ukrainian Religious Figure Vadym Novynskyi to Defend against Alleged Political Persecution

Retrieved on: 
Martedì, Agosto 22, 2023

The law firm of Amsterdam & Partners LLP has been retained by Vadym Novynskyi, a Ukrainian citizen, religious figure, former Ukrainian parliamentarian from Mariupol and founder of the Smart Holding Group, to defend against a series of politically motivated attacks by the Ukrainian government.

Key Points: 
  • The law firm of Amsterdam & Partners LLP has been retained by Vadym Novynskyi, a Ukrainian citizen, religious figure, former Ukrainian parliamentarian from Mariupol and founder of the Smart Holding Group, to defend against a series of politically motivated attacks by the Ukrainian government.
  • Although last year Novynskyi relinquished his ownership of Smart Holding Group, the Ukrainian authorities are continuing their corporate raid against the industrial and investment group, under the premise that Novynskyi’s religious beliefs justify doing so, according to Robert Amsterdam, founding partner of Amsterdam & Partners LLP.
  • “Unfortunately, for some Ukrainian officials the war with Russia represents an opportunity for extortion and corporate raiding,” according to Robert Amsterdam, founding partner of Amsterdam & Partners LLP.
  • He is instead being ruthlessly targeted for his religious beliefs and subjected to blatant corporate raiding by the state.

Restoration of the Transfiguration Chuch in Odessa, Ukraine by Ukrainian Entrepreneur Vadym Novynskyi

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Sabato, Luglio 29, 2023

ODESSA, Ukraine, July 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ukrainian entrepreneur, Vadim Novynskyi has announced a donation of up to $1 million to help restore the Transfiguration Church in Odessa, Ukraine that was seriously damaged during rocket attacks on Sunday, July 23.

Key Points: 
  • ODESSA, Ukraine, July 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ukrainian entrepreneur, Vadim Novynskyi has announced a donation of up to $1 million to help restore the Transfiguration Church in Odessa, Ukraine that was seriously damaged during rocket attacks on Sunday, July 23.
  • The destruction of one of the most beautiful Ukrainian churches, which was erected by the founders of Odessa at the end of the 18th century is a true tragedy.
  • This cathedral was the center of the spiritual life of Odessa.
  • In 1936, the Bolsheviks destroyed the cathedral and it was restored in the early 2000's after tens of thousands of ordinary people participated in the restoration with their donations.

Ukraine war: how Russians are rallying on the home front to support 'their boys'

Retrieved on: 
Martedì, Luglio 25, 2023

Their sons are being sent off to fight – and some have died.

Key Points: 
  • Their sons are being sent off to fight – and some have died.
  • Meanwhile, the cross-border raids from Ukraine on Russia’s territory and drone attacks on Moscow suburbs during the past few months have bolstered the Kremlin’s argument that Russia is fighting to defend itself.
  • To be patriotic, for many ordinary Russian citizens, is to “do your bit” to support the war effort.

Comfort and safety

    • By December it was estimated that the organisation had raised more than US$58 million (£46 million).
    • Typically, volunteers and fighters correspond before to agree on a meeting place, and photos are taken, confirming that deliveries happen.
    • They have knitted thousands of pairs of socks and sewn balaclavas for troops – but also crowdfunded drones.

Why Russians are rallying round

    • Wealthy oligarchs are conspicuous by their non-involvement – perhaps concerned at burning their bridges with the west where many still have money and property.
    • And there are those who feel that in this pivotal time in Russia, they should not be passive.
    • Many commanders feel embarrassed that they have to appeal to volunteers for help with basic necessities, requesting soap, socks and underwear.
    • One typical message from a soldier at the frontline reads: “You are our gold, we would have been doomed without you.”

Total war

    • The war has transformed Russia – as it did Ukraine, where civil society has performed the function of security provider.
    • It has inspired civic activism and showed that a civil society has emerged, albeit of a different sort than the west – which was hoping for grassroots opposition to the war – had aspired for.
    • This shows that the war has activated social forces in Russia – though it is yet not clear where this activism will lead.

Russia Weaponizing Religion in War on Ukraine Says Christian Persecution Watchdog

Retrieved on: 
Lunedì, Luglio 10, 2023

SANTA ANA, Calif., July 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Russia has been waging a brutal campaign against Christians in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion, cautions Global Christian Relief, America's leading watchdog of Christian persecution.

Key Points: 
  • SANTA ANA, Calif., July 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Russia has been waging a brutal campaign against Christians in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion, cautions Global Christian Relief, America's leading watchdog of Christian persecution.
  • "These targeted attacks carried out by Russian forces against Ukrainian Christians and religious minorities essentially constitutes a cultural genocide campaign," said David Curry, CEO of Global Christian Relief.
  • They hold significant spiritual and cultural value for communities and destroying them is a deliberate attempt by Russia to demoralize Ukrainians."
  • Global Christian Relief is calling on the international community to hold Russia's military and church leaders to account for their war on Christianity.