Bears Ears

Five Tribes Join Federal Agencies to Manage Bears Ears National Monument

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Freitag, März 8, 2024

Bears Ears National Monument, Utah, March 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- For the first time in U.S. history, a coalition of five Tribal Nations have collaborated with federal agencies to craft a management plan for their ancestral homelands and sacred sites on public lands.

Key Points: 
  • The Commission was established during the Obama administration, following the President's proclamation that established Bears Ears as a National Monument.
  • "The petroglyphs, artifacts, landmarks, and landforms in the Bears Ears region help Hopi people trace our migration histories" said Craig Andrews, Vice Chairman of the Hopi Tribe and Co-Chair of the Bears Ears Commission.
  • "In the face of modern challenges, such as the management of Bears Ears National Monument, our commitment to collaboration remains unwavering," said Yanito.
  • "The draft resource management plan represents the culmination of our shared knowledge and insights, offered willingly to federal agencies for the betterment of the Monument.