
NewAge Publishes Major New Discovery on Blocking Spike Proteins From Binding to Human Cells

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Donnerstag, Oktober 7, 2021

NewAge has discovered what it believes to be breakthrough science in the pursuit of health and the strengthening of peoples immunity.

Key Points: 
  • NewAge has discovered what it believes to be breakthrough science in the pursuit of health and the strengthening of peoples immunity.
  • The conference hosted experts in medicine and biology and industry to discuss the usage of bioactive compoundsfor immune support and health.
  • We have now been able to measure the ability of NONI and its major phytonutrients to block the binding of the spike proteins to cellular membranes.
  • Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) to detect the competitive inhibition of spike protein to Angiotensin II Receptors (ACE-2) binding by NONI, NewAge scientists uncovered that NONI inhibited the ability of the spike proteins to bind ACE-2 by approximately 70%.