Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

RFK Jr. Movie Ad Viewed 129 Million Times; AV24 super PAC Funds Massive Two-Day X (Twitter) Takeover

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Dienstag, April 2, 2024

NEW YORK, April 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- #TheRealRFKJrMovie, directed and produced by award-winning filmmaker and producer Jeff Hayes, took over X (Twitter) for two days last week as the top trending item, resulting in 129 million US impressions of the video.  American Values 24 (AV24), the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s presidential candidacy, sponsored the X takeover and distributed the video to voters across the country to spread awareness of the candidate and his vision. 

Key Points: 
  • American Values 24 (AV24) , the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s presidential candidacy, sponsored the X takeover and distributed the video to voters across the country to spread awareness of the candidate and his vision.
  • The promotion comes as both the Trump and Biden campaigns have launched attacks against Kennedy, doing all they can to slow the upstart candidate's momentum.
  • "They have run gigantic attack ad billboards in Michigan, New York, California and Texas.
  • They have worked to vilify and censor and lie about RFK Jr. and hired teams of lawyers to keep him off the ballot.

#unifyUSA and Landslide PAC Call for Biden to Bow Out of Race and an Open Democratic Convention to Replace Him

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Mittwoch, Februar 28, 2024

WASHINGTON, Feb. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In eight months, voters will select the next president. Recent polls indicate a greatly diminished Joe Biden candidacy and a high likelihood of a Trump victory. Many experts see a high risk of an authoritarian takeover by the Trump-led MAGA Movement. To respond to this crisis, #unifyUSA and Landslide PAC are catalyzing a new movement to call for an Open Democratic Convention that can choose a stronger candidate than Biden. The organizers are calling on President Biden to step down from the 2024 Democratic nomination process urgently and gracefully and support an Open Convention—one that includes all would-be Democratic front-runners and other strong candidates who are currently running 3rd party campaigns.

Key Points: 
  • To respond to this crisis, #unifyUSA and Landslide PAC are catalyzing a new movement to call for an Open Democratic Convention that can choose a stronger candidate than Biden.
  • Although Joe Biden has achieved victories, other policies have also alienated critical constituencies, and he is a very weak candidate.
  • In 1932, during the Great Depression, an Open Convention nominated Franklin D. Roosevelt, who went on to win a landslide victory.
  • #unifyUSA and Landslide PAC invite participation in the Call for an Open Convention.

American Values 2024 Runs "Bobby Kennedy for President" Advertisement During Super Bowl

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Dienstag, Februar 13, 2024

NEW YORK, Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- American Values , the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s candidacy for president, today announced a spend of $7M for the now overly famous ad run in the first half of yesterday's Super Bowl.

Key Points: 
  • NEW YORK, Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- American Values , the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s candidacy for president, today announced a spend of $7M for the now overly famous ad run in the first half of yesterday's Super Bowl.
  • The backlash falls on the heels of last week's announcement from the DNC that it filed a federal election complaint against AV24.
  • The American people are waking up, and the DNC's only hope is to prevent them from having a choice," added Gorton.
  • For additional information on the ad please read the latest article on the Kennedy Beacon.

Ballot Access Tops Priorities for American Values 2024, the super PAC Supporting Kennedy for President

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Samstag, Dezember 23, 2023

NEW YORK, Dec. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, American Values 2024 (AV24), the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s candidacy for president, has refined the states it will be funding for ballot access. The focus will now be on Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New York, and Texas.  "Based on our legal guidance, we believe we won't be able to support ballot access in Indiana, Colorado and Nevada. The seven states we will initially focus on have a total of 183 electoral college votes and some of the highest populations in the country," said AV24 Co-Founder Tony Lyons. Earlier this month, AV24 announced it will spend between $10M-$15M to pursue Ballot Access in pivotal states. That remains the case.

Key Points: 
  • NEW YORK, Dec. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, American Values 2024 (AV24), the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s candidacy for president, has refined the states it will be funding for ballot access.
  • "Based on our legal guidance, we believe we won't be able to support ballot access in Indiana, Colorado and Nevada.
  • Earlier this month, AV24 announced it will spend between $10M-$15M to pursue Ballot Access in pivotal states.
  • American Values 2024 has hired two separate law firms to take all the steps necessary to get Kennedy on the ballot in the seven states listed above.

The 'truther playbook': tactics that explain vaccine conspiracy theorist RFK Jr's presidential momentum

Retrieved on: 
Freitag, Juni 2, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy Jr, a self-described vaccine sceptic, announced his candidacy to run for president as a Democrat in April.

Key Points: 
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr, a self-described vaccine sceptic, announced his candidacy to run for president as a Democrat in April.
  • Our new study on the rhetorical techniques used to spread vaccine disinformation partly explains Kennedy’s appeal to voters.
  • We examined the strategies of RFK Jr and American osteopath Joseph Mercola, two prominent members of the “disinformation dozen”.

1. Identity and belonging

    • COVID truthers offer their followers access to an exclusive in-group identity.
    • They adhere to a dualistic belief system that divides the world into good and bad actors, light and dark forces.
    • For COVID truthers, it is not simply that their opponents have acted through ignorance or error – they frame them as corrupt and evil.

2. True knowledge and enlightenment

    • Figures such as Kennedy and Mercola capitalise on this, appealing to those disillusioned with the government’s official narrative.
    • They present themselves as having access to privileged knowledge and understanding.
    • They do this by revealing alternative “facts” that contradict the official narrative, and that they claim have been concealed from the public.

3. Meaning and purpose

    • COVID truthers provide their followers with meaning, offering a reason to believe in a greater purpose.
    • This can take the form of New Age spirituality, suggesting that humanity is undergoing a “shift in consciousness”, or a more secular commitment to truth, freedom and justice.
    • Kennedy frequently deploys the language of social justice in his posts and newsletters, as a rallying call to unite his followers.

4. Leadership and guidance

    • Kennedy’s campaign contrasts the power of corrupt government institutions, corporate cronyism and nefarious media elites with the powerlessness that the disenfranchised public feels.
    • As a consequence, he positions himself as an incorruptible leader with the capacity to “clean up government”, restore civil liberties, and speak truth to power.

Why this matters

    • Filings with charity regulators show that revenue for Kennedy’s organisation more than doubled in 2020, to US$6.8 million.
    • In our current post-truth era, where opinions often triumph over facts, influencers and celebrities can achieve authority.

Children’s Health Defense and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Protest Efforts to Vaccinate Underage Children Without Parental Knowledge or Consent

Retrieved on: 
Dienstag, Juni 22, 2021

In America, underaged children need parental consent to go to a suntan salon, attend a school field trip or be prescribed any medication.

Key Points: 
  • In America, underaged children need parental consent to go to a suntan salon, attend a school field trip or be prescribed any medication.
  • Circumventing parental consent is clearly an overreach on the part of federal, state and local health officials.
  • Americans arent being fully informed when it comes to warp speed, liability-free COVID vaccines, according to CHD Board Chair Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
  • CHD calls on all lawmakers and public health officials to stop the reckless vaccination of children who are not of age to consent, said Kennedy.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Announces The Launch of Children's Health Defense

Retrieved on: 
Mittwoch, September 12, 2018

WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK, Jr.) announced today the creation of Children's Health Defense (CHD), a new organization expanding the mission of the World Mercury Project.

Key Points: 
  • WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK, Jr.) announced today the creation of Children's Health Defense (CHD), a new organization expanding the mission of the World Mercury Project.
  • "Our children's ability to develop and thrive is being sabotaged by an avalanche of unprecedented health epidemics now affecting 54% of our children .
  • Food allergies, including severe anaphylactic reactions, increased 50% from 1997 to 2011.Last year over 15,000 children were diagnosed with cancer.
  • In this video , Mr. Kennedy asks, "Why are our federal agencies not asking the essential question, 'What is debilitating America's children?'