Illegal immigration

Spry Strategies Poll finds Trump Leading Biden +4.3 in Michigan; Voters Overwhelmingly Support Mass Deportation

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Mittwoch, April 3, 2024

In trending with the Real Clear Politics average from 1.2.24 – 3.18.24 that sees former President Donald Trump with a 3.5+ lead over President Joe Biden, our latest survey has Donald Trump up 4.3%.

Key Points: 
  • In trending with the Real Clear Politics average from 1.2.24 – 3.18.24 that sees former President Donald Trump with a 3.5+ lead over President Joe Biden, our latest survey has Donald Trump up 4.3%.
  • When adding RFK and another candidate in the expanded Ballot Test, Trump’s leads Biden by 3.2 points.
  • When asked whether the voters economic security and personal safety under President Biden or President Trump, Trump overwhelmingly dominates with 56.6% to 37.1% and 11.3% saying they are about the same.
  • When asked if the voter would support a mass deportation for immigrants who entered the country illegally, 62.1% strongly and somewhat agree.

Title 42 Extension Step in Right Direction but Much More Needs to Be Done, Says FAIR

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Mittwoch, August 4, 2021

"Since its implementation in March 2020, Title 42 has been an effective tool that has mitigated the spread of COVID-19 in our country.

Key Points: 
  • "Since its implementation in March 2020, Title 42 has been an effective tool that has mitigated the spread of COVID-19 in our country.
  • Since the beginning of the fiscal year, at least 750,000 illegal aliens have been quickly removed from the country under this order.
  • "While the extension is a step in the right direction, it must be applied to all illegal aliens entering the countrynot just select groups of single adults.
  • With over 3 million members and supporters nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests.

FAIR: New West Virginia Poll Reveals Political Risk for Manchin Unless He Opposes Amnesty in Budget Reconciliation

Retrieved on: 
Donnerstag, Juli 15, 2021

The poll of 402 likely voters in West Virginia was conducted by Zogby Analytics on behalf of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) between July 9 and 12.

Key Points: 
  • The poll of 402 likely voters in West Virginia was conducted by Zogby Analytics on behalf of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) between July 9 and 12.
  • By large margins, 52% to 34%, West Virginia voters object to the use of this legislative tactic "to enact major immigration legislation."
  • Further, voters clearly reject the idea of large-scale amnesty in the midst of unprecedented numbers of new illegal migrants crossing our borders.
  • 59% of West Virginia voters hold the Biden administration and its policies responsible for the current immigration and border crisis.

FAIR: New Georgia Poll Shows Voters Blame Biden for Border Crisis, Oppose Democrats' Effort to Include Amnesty in Budget Reconciliation Bill

Retrieved on: 
Donnerstag, Juli 15, 2021

WASHINGTON, July 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --A new poll finds that Georgia voters blame President Biden for the border crisis and recognize that granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens would make it worse.

Key Points: 
  • WASHINGTON, July 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --A new poll finds that Georgia voters blame President Biden for the border crisis and recognize that granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens would make it worse.
  • The poll of 804 likely voters in Georgia was conducted by Zogby Analytics on behalf of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) between July 9 and 12.
  • Among the key findings of the poll:
    54% of voters agree that granting "amnesty, or a pathway to citizenship, to millions of illegal immigrants already in the United States" would exacerbate the current immigration and border crisis.
  • 61% of Georgia voters hold the Biden administration and its policies responsible for the current immigration and border crisis.

FAIR: New Hampshire Poll Shows Voters Blame Biden for Border Crisis, Oppose Democrats' Effort to Include Amnesty in Budget Reconciliation Bill

Retrieved on: 
Donnerstag, Juli 15, 2021

By large margins, 50% to 34%, New Hampshire voters object to the use of this legislative tactic "to enact major immigration legislation."

Key Points: 
  • By large margins, 50% to 34%, New Hampshire voters object to the use of this legislative tactic "to enact major immigration legislation."
  • Further, voters clearly reject the idea of large-scale amnesty in the midst of unprecedented numbers of new illegal migrants crossing our borders.
  • 57% of New Hampshire voters hold the Biden administration and its policies responsible for the current immigration and border crisis.
  • 50% of voters oppose of including an amnesty for illegal aliens in a bill to fund infrastructure upgrades.

FAIR: New Arizona Poll Shows Voters Blame Biden for Border Crisis, Oppose Democrats' Effort to Include Amnesty in Budget Reconciliation Bill

Retrieved on: 
Donnerstag, Juli 15, 2021

By large margins, 49% to 38%, Arizona voters object to the use of this legislative tactic "to enact major immigration legislation."

Key Points: 
  • By large margins, 49% to 38%, Arizona voters object to the use of this legislative tactic "to enact major immigration legislation."
  • Further, voters clearly reject the idea of large-scale amnesty in the midst of unprecedented numbers of new illegal migrants crossing our borders.
  • 63% of Arizona voters hold the Biden administration and its policies responsible for the current immigration and border crisis.
  • 49% of voters oppose of including an amnesty for illegal aliens in a bill to fund infrastructure upgrades.

Significant Expansion of Central American Minors Program Means Open Border Without the Bad Optics, Charges FAIR

Retrieved on: 
Mittwoch, Juni 16, 2021

"The expanded CAM program actually gives illegal aliens living in the United States preferential treatment in bringing family members to this country.

Key Points: 
  • "The expanded CAM program actually gives illegal aliens living in the United States preferential treatment in bringing family members to this country.
  • Under the program, the American public will pay to transport minors, who were left behind by parents who entered the United States illegally, to our country.
  • "Not surprisingly, the architect of this latest attempt to subvert U.S. immigration laws and create de facto open borders is DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
  • With over 3 million members and supporters nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests.

Video: Wide Open Border in West Texas

Retrieved on: 
Dienstag, April 27, 2021

b"Ojinaga, Mexico, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new video from the Center for Immigration Studies highlights the huge increase in illegal immigrant crossings in the Big Bend region of West Texas, which has not gotten the attention of parts of the border further south.

Key Points: 
  • b"Ojinaga, Mexico, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new video from the Center for Immigration Studies highlights the huge increase in illegal immigrant crossings in the Big Bend region of West Texas, which has not gotten the attention of parts of the border further south.
  • What's more, almost all illegal crossers in the Big Bend area are single adults, with few of the families and unaccompanied minors crossing elsewhere.
  • Todd Bensman, the Center\xe2\x80\x99s Senior National Security Fellow, reports, \xe2\x80\x9cMy video shows that this area of West Texas is wide open with very little to stop illegal crossers from just crossing the river and heading into American communities.\xe2\x80\x9d\n"

FAIR: Biden's Bold Move on Border Crisis: Nominate High Level Officials Guaranteed to Worsen It

Retrieved on: 
Dienstag, April 13, 2021

Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) provide further evidence that the current crisis raging at our southern border is part of a deliberate effort by the Biden administration to eviscerate any form of border and immigration enforcement.

Key Points: 
  • Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) provide further evidence that the current crisis raging at our southern border is part of a deliberate effort by the Biden administration to eviscerate any form of border and immigration enforcement.
  • "\n"The job of CBP is to prevent people and contraband from entering the country illegally.
  • As Chief of Police of Tucson, Arizona, Chris Magnus has worked to thwart the removal of illegal aliens from the United States, including those who are criminals.
  • With over 3 million members and supporters nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests.

Dan Rodimer Releases His Angel Act to Fix "Biden's Border Crisis" and Write Trump's Remain in Mexico Policy Into Law

Retrieved on: 
Freitag, April 2, 2021

He has now announced his intention to pass desperately needed legislation that he calls the Angel Act.

Key Points: 
  • He has now announced his intention to pass desperately needed legislation that he calls the Angel Act.
  • The act was inspired by Dan's recent visit to the border where he met several "Angel Moms" that have lost children or loved ones to illegal immigration.
  • Stop the illegal immigration and human trafficking surge at our border by enacting Trump's immigration policy into law.
  • The event will feature Dan Rodimer, CD6 Candidate, and Mayor of Knox County Glenn "Kane" Jacobs and other former WWE stars.