
"Hi, Mom" Set for Global Release on March 19 to Salute Motherhood Worldwide

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Sunday, March 21, 2021

Best known as a "hilarious tear-jerker", "Hi, Mom" is a time-travel comedy that tells the story of motherhood and family affection.

Key Points: 
  • Best known as a "hilarious tear-jerker", "Hi, Mom" is a time-travel comedy that tells the story of motherhood and family affection.
  • According to information from Maoyan Entertainment, China's leading platform providing innovative Internet-empowered entertainment services, the film was directed and starred by hugely popular Chinese comedian Jia Ling.
  • Viewers who have watched the film say that what touches them most is how the film presents, in a happy, sincere way, the family affection of an ordinary person, something shared by all human beings.
  • Many believe that "Hi, Mom" is so emotionally stirring that it deserves to be a gift dedicated to all moms across the world.