STORH Equity Platform Acquires Texas-Based Raccoon Bend Oil Field

Retrieved on: 
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Prior to official closing, the property wassecured under an LOI, pending due diligence and the unwinding of an unrelated partnership.

Key Points: 
  • Prior to official closing, the property wassecured under an LOI, pending due diligence and the unwinding of an unrelated partnership.
  • STORH isexcited to announce that they willnowown 12% of the field and tokenize it for their investors.
  • 800 barrels of oil per dayalong with associated natural gas, the Raccoon Bend Field has proven reserves of over 3 million barrels, a 3P (Proven, Probable, Possible) Resource of 4.2 - 4.5 million barrels and 25+ years of productive life.
  • This presents itself as a milestone acquisition for STORH, adding immense value to their arsenal and setting them apart from a majority of their competitors.