Dan Rodimer Announces Surprise Run for Congress in Texas' 6th District, Cites Personal Ties to Lone Star State As Reason

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Friday, March 5, 2021

I'm running because we need to fight to keep our constitutional right-friendly states," Rodimer said when asked by the Texas Tribune about his filing in Texas.

Key Points: 
  • I'm running because we need to fight to keep our constitutional right-friendly states," Rodimer said when asked by the Texas Tribune about his filing in Texas.
  • Rodimer cites the reason that he is moving to Texas as his children and wanting to make sure the American dream is kept alive for them.
  • I have six children and I want them to be raised in a constitutional-friendly state," Rodimer said.
  • He wants to bring his entrepreneurial spirit back to Texas in his newly minted run for Congress and fight for his children's future.

Dan Rodimer Campaign For Congress Boasts Over 27K Small Donors, Breaks Nevada Fundraising Records For Nevada's Third District

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Monday, October 26, 2020

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Congressional candidate Dan Rodimer has shattered campaign fundraising records in Nevada by bringing in over twenty-seven thousand individual donors to take on Rep. Susie Lee (NV-3) in Nevada's third district.

Key Points: 
  • LAS VEGAS, Oct. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Congressional candidate Dan Rodimer has shattered campaign fundraising records in Nevada by bringing in over twenty-seven thousand individual donors to take on Rep. Susie Lee (NV-3) in Nevada's third district.
  • Rodimer says the fundraising windfall is in response to the mudslinging from his opposition against his family.
  • Republican Dan Rodimer is a businessman, law school graduate, and former pro-wrestler with a family of six children.
  • For more information on the campaign of Big Dan Rodimer for Congress, you can view his webpage here ( ), or you can follow him on Facebook ( ), Twitter ( ), and Instagram ( )

Congressional Candidate Dan Rodimer Releases Ad Refuting Attacks by His Opponent Susie Lee Against His Family

Retrieved on: 
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Congressional candidate Dan Rodimer has put out a new advertisement on local television and online that is refuting falsehoods portrayed in the ad from his Democrat opponent, Rep. Susie Lee (D-NV).

Key Points: 
  • LAS VEGAS, Oct. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Congressional candidate Dan Rodimer has put out a new advertisement on local television and online that is refuting falsehoods portrayed in the ad from his Democrat opponent, Rep. Susie Lee (D-NV).
  • The ad was accompanied online with a message posted on Rodimer's website from Sarah describing in more detail how the attacks on Dan Rodimer were false.
  • "When Dan decided to run for political office, it was a decision we made together, as a family.
  • But, nothing could prepare our family for the outright lies and disgusting attacks that have been launched against us by Susie Lee," said Sarah Rodimer, going into more detail.

President Donald J. Trump Endorses "Big Dan" Rodimer for Congress

Retrieved on: 
Friday, September 4, 2020

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 3, 2020 Republican nominee for Nevada's 3rd congressional district Dan Rodimer has received the endorsement of President Donald Trump.

Key Points: 
  • LAS VEGAS, Sept. 3, 2020 Republican nominee for Nevada's 3rd congressional district Dan Rodimer has received the endorsement of President Donald Trump.
  • "I am honored to receive the endorsement of President Trump," Rodimer responded.
  • "President Trump ran as a political outsider, a businessman, and somebody who would push an America-first agenda.
  • Rodimer is running against freshman Democrat Susie Lee, who the NRCC has named one of the most scandal plagued politicians in Congress.

Dan Rodimer Calls for Schools to Re-Open

Retrieved on: 
Thursday, July 9, 2020

"Our kids need to get back to school full-time, and their parents need to get back to work full-time," stated "Big Dan" Rodimer.

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"Big Dan" Rodimer Declares Victory in Republican Primary for Nevada's 3rd Congressional District

Retrieved on: 
Thursday, June 11, 2020

LAS VEGAS, June 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, "Big Dan" Rodimer declared victory in the Republican Primary Election for Nevada's 3rd Congressional District, setting up a general election match-up against perhaps the most corrupt Member of Congress in Washington, liberal first-term incumbent Susie Lee.

Key Points: 
  • LAS VEGAS, June 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, "Big Dan" Rodimer declared victory in the Republican Primary Election for Nevada's 3rd Congressional District, setting up a general election match-up against perhaps the most corrupt Member of Congress in Washington, liberal first-term incumbent Susie Lee.
  • His statement:
    "I would first and foremost like to thank the Republican voters of Nevada's 3rd Congressional District for placing their trust and confidence in me.
  • I also thank my family, our friends, and our amazing team of grassroots volunteers who pushed us to victory.
  • "Our goal from the time we entered this race was to restore an independent voice for the people of Nevada.

NRA Endorses "Big Dan" Rodimer for US Congress

Retrieved on: 
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The NRA officially gave Rodimer an AQ rating, the highest rating possible for a candidate who has not previously held office.

Key Points: 
  • The NRA officially gave Rodimer an AQ rating, the highest rating possible for a candidate who has not previously held office.
  • Big Dan Rodimer has made it clear time and again that he is the pro-2nd Amendment candidate in the race for Nevada's 3rd CongressionalDistrict.
  • Every other Republican candidate in Nevada's 3rd CongressionalDistrict has either refused to fill out the NRA survey or received an "F" rating.
  • For regular updates on the campaign of Big Dan Rodimer for Congress, you can follow him onFacebook ( ),Twitter, ( ) andInstagram ( ).

"Big Dan" Rodimer Releases New Campaign Ad

Retrieved on: 
Monday, April 27, 2020

LAS VEGAS, April 27, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Today, conservative businessman and former WWE professional wrestler Dan Rodimer released his first television ad in his Republican primary campaign against former one-term Nevada State Treasurer and liberal career politician, Dan Schwartz.

Key Points: 
  • LAS VEGAS, April 27, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Today, conservative businessman and former WWE professional wrestler Dan Rodimer released his first television ad in his Republican primary campaign against former one-term Nevada State Treasurer and liberal career politician, Dan Schwartz.
  • The ad highlights the contrast between "Big Dan" Rodimer's conservative record and the liberal record of Dan Schwartz.
  • "If Dan Schwartz truly wanted to run on his record, he would have an ad up touting his obsession with new and higher taxes, particularly those he pushed for as our state treasurer," Rodimer continued.
  • "He would have an ad promoting his gun control agenda, and he would have an ad declaring his support for amnesty for illegal immigrants.