Advocacy Group Opinion

Decolonizing Global Health a Must, says Pandemic Panel

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tisdag, mars 12, 2024

On March 8, during the CUGH 2024 conference , the AHF Global Public Health Institute and the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health convened a panel titled "Decolonizing Global Health Financing: Charting an Equitable Path Forward."

Key Points: 
  • On March 8, during the CUGH 2024 conference , the AHF Global Public Health Institute and the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health convened a panel titled "Decolonizing Global Health Financing: Charting an Equitable Path Forward."
  • This focused session shed light on redefining global health funding mechanisms to support pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response and reconstructing global health financing through equitable and sustainable partnerships.
  • Decolonizing global health is critical to addressing global health emergencies.
  • Regions should have the power to declare their own public health emergencies to mobilize international resources to respond to them effectively.”
    As countries negotiate to reshape the existing global health security architecture , it is vital that they adequately address decolonizing global health financing as a critical imperative.

AHF Keeps Pressure on ‘Greedy Gilead’ Over Price Gouging

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måndag, mars 11, 2024

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) advocates will rally at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach Hotel Tuesday to protest Gilead Sciences ’ ongoing efforts to rack up exorbitant profits while restricting access to lifesaving medications.

Key Points: 
  • AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) advocates will rally at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach Hotel Tuesday to protest Gilead Sciences ’ ongoing efforts to rack up exorbitant profits while restricting access to lifesaving medications.
  • AHF’s sustained protests against the drug maker continue as Gilead faces legal action over its keeping safer HIV medications off the market to maximize profits.
  • “It is so sadly apropos that Gilead CEO Daniel O’Day — the poster child for PhRMA greed — also now sits atop PhRMA, the undisputed fortress of greed,” said Michael Weinstein, AHF president and cofounder.
  • Since 2021, AHF has been taking on Gilead and CEO Daniel O’Day, holding more than two dozen protests in multiple cities, including Washington, DC, Miami, Boston, and Foster City, CA at Gilead’s corporate headquarters.

Women’s Empowerment = Healthy Women: Join AHF on International Women’s Day

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fredag, mars 8, 2024

“Without healthy women, we cannot have a healthy world – making International Women’s Day the perfect commemoration to raise awareness of the many issues, including harmful inequities, stigma, and discrimination, women of all ages globally face that keep them from succeeding in their lives,” said AHF Deputy Chief of Global Advocacy & Policy Loretta Wong.

Key Points: 
  • “Without healthy women, we cannot have a healthy world – making International Women’s Day the perfect commemoration to raise awareness of the many issues, including harmful inequities, stigma, and discrimination, women of all ages globally face that keep them from succeeding in their lives,” said AHF Deputy Chief of Global Advocacy & Policy Loretta Wong.
  • International Women’s Day was founded in 1911 and is observed annually on March 8.
  • The day recognizes the political, cultural, and economic achievements of women to accelerate their rights.
  • To learn more about AHF, please visit our website: , find us on Facebook: and follow us on Twitter: @aidshealthcare and Instagram: @aidshealthcare .

Protest: Post Office Won’t Deliver Skid Row Mail

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onsdag, mars 6, 2024

AHF complied with the law and installed USPS-approved mailboxes for all the tenants at the SRO buildings that AHF owns and operates.

Key Points: 
  • AHF complied with the law and installed USPS-approved mailboxes for all the tenants at the SRO buildings that AHF owns and operates.
  • For several years and on many occasions, AHF informally asked the USPS to deliver mail properly to its Skid Row properties and even filed a formal administrative claim with the USPS to get a change in delivery to no avail.
  • The case is Shawn Jenkins and AIDS Healthcare Foundation vs. USPS, Louis DeJoy & Six … ( Case No.
  • In 2017, under its Healthy Housing Foundation division, AHF began purchasing and repurposing SRO hotels to address the escalating homelessness and affordable housing crises.

Corporate Greed Sidelines Health Equity at the WTO, says AHF

Retrieved on: 
onsdag, mars 6, 2024

“This decision is a setback for global health equity, which will sadly have repercussions for future pandemics far beyond COVID-19,” said AHF President Michael Weinstein.

Key Points: 
  • “This decision is a setback for global health equity, which will sadly have repercussions for future pandemics far beyond COVID-19,” said AHF President Michael Weinstein.
  • ”The choice to protect corporate interests and patents on crucial medical innovations during global health emergencies flies in the face of our shared responsibility and the need for solidarity on global public health.
  • It deepens existing health disparities, hindering access to life-saving interventions, especially in low-income countries.”
    Despite the disappointing WTO decision, AHF calls upon the international community, policymakers, and stakeholders to continue advocating for a more just and equitable global health system.
  • The world needs collaborative efforts to address health challenges and ensure the health and safety of all individuals, regardless of geographic location or economic status.

Retail Energy Supply Association Announces Serious Consequences of Maryland’s Senate Bill 1/House Bill 267

Retrieved on: 
onsdag, mars 6, 2024

The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, announces its concern about the serious implications Senate Bill 1/House Bill 267 (SB1) will have for Maryland consumers, businesses, and workers should it become law.

Key Points: 
  • The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, announces its concern about the serious implications Senate Bill 1/House Bill 267 (SB1) will have for Maryland consumers, businesses, and workers should it become law.
  • Brian Crosby with the promise to protect constituents in the State of Maryland from paying high energy prices.
  • “While this bill has been touted as a consumer protection bill, it is just the opposite.
  • Today, more than 500,000 Marylanders, including nearly 15% of residential energy consumers, choose to purchase their energy from a competitive electric or gas supplier.

AHF Protests USPS Refusal to Deliver SRO Tenants’ Mail

Retrieved on: 
tisdag, mars 5, 2024

AHF complied with the law and installed USPS-approved mailboxes for all the tenants at the SRO buildings that AHF owns and operates.

Key Points: 
  • AHF complied with the law and installed USPS-approved mailboxes for all the tenants at the SRO buildings that AHF owns and operates.
  • For several years and on many occasions, AHF informally asked the USPS to deliver mail properly to its Skid Row properties and even filed a formal administrative claim with the USPS to get a change in delivery to no avail.
  • In 2017, under its Healthy Housing Foundation division, AHF began purchasing and repurposing SRO hotels to address the escalating homelessness and affordable housing crises.
  • Today, AHF provides more that 1,400 SRO housing units as primary and permanent residences to low-income tenants in 13 multi-unit SRO buildings across Greater Los Angeles.

Nation’s First Transgender Facility Vote Center Celebrates Election Day

Retrieved on: 
måndag, mars 4, 2024

The Connie Norman Transgender Empowerment Center (CONOTEC), a facility providing comprehensive resources, training, support, and medical services for Transgender people living in Los Angeles, will be open to press for primary election day coverage as the nation’s first-ever Transgender facility to serve as a Vote Center.

Key Points: 
  • The Connie Norman Transgender Empowerment Center (CONOTEC), a facility providing comprehensive resources, training, support, and medical services for Transgender people living in Los Angeles, will be open to press for primary election day coverage as the nation’s first-ever Transgender facility to serve as a Vote Center.
  • CONOTEC has been open to Los Angeles County voters since March 2, 2024, and voting on primary day will run from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.
  • Beginning at 12:00 pm, the center will have a DJ, refreshments, and a “red carpet” photo booth on site to mark the center making history.
  • Lt.

AHF Urges WHO: Save Critical HIV Tech

Retrieved on: 
måndag, mars 4, 2024

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) urges the World Health Organization (WHO) to call on manufacturers of vital point-of-care (POC) CD4 equipment, including Abbott Laboratories and Becton Dickinson (BD), to continue production of the HIV testing equipment and any necessary commodities that ensure proper functioning.

Key Points: 
  • AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) urges the World Health Organization (WHO) to call on manufacturers of vital point-of-care (POC) CD4 equipment, including Abbott Laboratories and Becton Dickinson (BD), to continue production of the HIV testing equipment and any necessary commodities that ensure proper functioning.
  • “Working in 46 countries, AHF country teams are seeing the consequences of Abbott’s and BD’s decisions firsthand, particularly in Africa and Asia.
  • CD4 testing shows how HIV damages our immune system since the virus targets and destroys CD4 cells.
  • While CD4 count is not vital for HIV diagnosis, it’s extremely important upon diagnosis, as the patient’s condition may have already progressed to AIDS—thus essential to the HIV continuum of care.

AHF Opens Food Pantry for San Diego Veterans

Retrieved on: 
fredag, mars 1, 2024

Food for Health , a program under the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), is launching the Heroes Pantry in San Diego this weekend to alleviate the burden of food insecurity among veterans, active duty servicemembers, and military families exacerbated by the high cost of living, especially for those facing health challenges or needing to cover medical expenses.

Key Points: 
  • Food for Health , a program under the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), is launching the Heroes Pantry in San Diego this weekend to alleviate the burden of food insecurity among veterans, active duty servicemembers, and military families exacerbated by the high cost of living, especially for those facing health challenges or needing to cover medical expenses.
  • The new Heroes Pantry will offer fresh vegetables and fruits sourced directly from farms, with a focus on providing healthy options tailored to veterans with specific dietary needs.
  • RAND reports that 1.4 million veterans struggle to access adequate food, leading to severe health implications.
  • "Veterans should not be forced to choose between basic necessities like rent and food,” added Wendy Calderon, VFW Post Commander.