Amidst Sky-High Housing Prices and Rising Interest Rates, New Home Buying Report Finds Millennials are Still Eager to Own Homes, 84% Would Co-Buy To Get Into The Market Securely

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Sept. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Co-Buying has gained popularity in the past few years but with housing prices at an all-time high, up more than 43% over the last 2 years, and a recession looming, buyers are seeking smaller mortgages, and "house hacking" has quickly become the new norm. Launching today out of beta, Pairadime, a new end-to-end fractional ownership solution on a mission to simplify the co-buying process, conducted a survey of 1000 millennials in the US around their outlook on home buying. It turns out that millennials are looking for smart solutions to achieve their home ownership dreams.