All Y'alls Foods Debuts Charming Mascot Plus New Customer Program to Reward Good Deeds

NEW YORK, April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Introducing Luna the Longhorn With a nod to their Texas roots, while looking ahead to a healthier, more sustainable way of living, All Y'alls Foods is thrilled to introduce Luna the Longhorn as their official mascot. Luna might seem like a bright-eyed, cheerful gal, but her life wasn't always carefree. As her story goes, this bovine was raised for traditional agriculture — in other words, destined for slaughter. Fortunately, a compassionate couple at auction noticed her potential as a kind, gentle soul and rescued her. Luna now enjoys life in happier pastures as an ambassador of strength and resilience, inspiring people along their journeys of compassion and saying that transformation is always possible and worth it.