Royal Society

Prenetics and Globally Renowned Scientist Prof. Dennis Lo Establish US$200m Joint Venture "Insighta" for Breakthrough Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening

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月曜日, 6月 26, 2023

-- Insighta is a 50/50 Joint Venture by Prenetics and Professor Dennis Lo.

Key Points: 
  • -- Insighta is a 50/50 Joint Venture by Prenetics and Professor Dennis Lo.
  • -- By 2030, the early cancer detection screening opportunity is estimated to be US$6bn in Asia on an annual basis.
  • The joint venture will be governed by a six-person board of directors composed of three directors from each side, with Prof.
  • From prevention (CircleDNA) and early detection (Insighta) to treatment (ACT), our innovative approach promises to significantly raise the bar in healthcare."

Kanazawa University research: Hydration matters: The interaction patterns of water and oxide crystals revealed

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水曜日, 8月 9, 2023

These components have a high affinity for water, which affects the chemical reactivity of the crystals.

Key Points: 
  • These components have a high affinity for water, which affects the chemical reactivity of the crystals.
  • Now, a research team led by Keisuke Miyazawa from the NanoLSI at Kanazawa University has developed three-dimensional (3D) microscopy technique for a detailed study of the interaction of the surfaces of these materials with water.
  • The team started by looking at the surface structures and its hydration structures of sapphire and α-quartz in water.
  • Oxide crystals usually have hydroxyl (OH) groups, which are the main "water-binding" molecules, closely linked with the oxides.

Kanazawa University research: Hydration matters: The interaction patterns of water and oxide crystals revealed

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水曜日, 8月 9, 2023

These components have a high affinity for water, which affects the chemical reactivity of the crystals.

Key Points: 
  • These components have a high affinity for water, which affects the chemical reactivity of the crystals.
  • Now, a research team led by Keisuke Miyazawa from the NanoLSI at Kanazawa University has developed three-dimensional (3D) microscopy technique for a detailed study of the interaction of the surfaces of these materials with water.
  • The team started by looking at the surface structures and its hydration structures of sapphire and α-quartz in water.
  • Oxide crystals usually have hydroxyl (OH) groups, which are the main "water-binding" molecules, closely linked with the oxides.

Rishi Sunak’s green backtracking contrasts strongly with previous prime ministers’ efforts

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木曜日, 8月 3, 2023

The Conservative Environment Network, an independent forum for conservatives who support net zero, and others including Greenpeace, are trying to stiffen his spine.

Key Points: 
  • The Conservative Environment Network, an independent forum for conservatives who support net zero, and others including Greenpeace, are trying to stiffen his spine.
  • But Sunak appears minded to appease those on the “right” who are opposed to anything green.

The UK story

    • Thanks to switching from coal to gas in the 1990s, and moving industry offshore, the UK could for a long-time boast of reducing its emissions and speak nobly of sustainable development.
    • In 1997, Tony Blair said the UK would go further in cutting emissions than whatever target was set at the UN conference in Kyoto, the first agreement by rich nations to cut greenhouse gases.
    • Very few Conservative MPs voted against the 2008 Climate Change Act, which set an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050 and placed restrictions on the amount of greenhouse gases the UK could emit over five-year periods.
    • After the Paris agreement in 2015, which the UK signed, it became clear that 80% would not be enough of a target to have the UK meet its obligations to do its part to keep global warming under 2℃.

So what’s gone wrong?

    • They get the glow, without the pain of upsetting either vested interests or demanding that ordinary people change their behaviour.
    • What we are seeing now, I believe, is a collision between what the promises were and what the immediate action has to be.
    • But once in power, Conservative governments have tended to prioritise “free markets” over what they label as irksome or socialistic environmental regulation.

Toyota Scientist Dr. John Muldoon Recognized for Contributions to Battery Technology

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水曜日, 8月 2, 2023

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Aug. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Electrochemical Society (ECS) has named Dr. John Muldoon, senior principal scientist at the Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRINA), a Fellow in its Class of 2023. Additionally, Dr. Muldoon has earned the prestigious Battery Division Technology Award for 2023, the first time in the award's 30-year history that a representative of an automotive original equipment manufacturer (OEM) has received it.

Key Points: 
  • Dr. Muldoon will be formally recognized for these two achievements in October at the 244th ECS Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • "I am deeply honored to receive the Battery Technology Award, and to be named a Fellow of the ECS, Class of 2023.
  • The Battery Division Technology Award, created in 1993, recognizes significant achievements in the development of battery and fuel cell technology.
  • Dr. Muldoon is an elected member of the ECS Battery Division committee and has been instrumental in the establishment of ECS symposiums on beyond Li-ion battery technologies.

Puppy yoga? Goat meditation? An animal welfare scientist explores what these activities might mean for the cute creatures

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火曜日, 7月 25, 2023

A quick online search suggests you can take a yoga class with just about any cute animal you like.

Key Points: 
  • A quick online search suggests you can take a yoga class with just about any cute animal you like.
  • As an animal welfare scientist, yoga with animals rings some alarm bells for me: it often seems to be focused on human wellbeing, with animal welfare an afterthought.
  • But research shows how animal-assisted activities like this can be improved, and how we can all play a role in making animal welfare a higher priority.

Ethical issues exposed

    • The ethics of animal yoga have been a hot topic since a a recent investigation in the United Kingdom exposed distressing practices.
    • Puppies as young as six weeks old were denied sleep and water while working in puppy yoga sessions.
    • Classes took place in hot rooms for hours at a time, with no capacity for the young pups to opt out of interactions.

How can science help?

    • My research centres around understanding the animal experience and using this evidence to inform good practice and policies.
    • Read more:
      Here's what the science says about animal sentience

      With that understanding comes a moral obligation for us to care for animals in a way that includes their mental experiences as well as their physical needs.

Social licence pressure

    • The impact of community attitudes is sometimes called “social licence pressure”.
    • When communities trust and accept that an operator is acting ethically and responsibly, the industry or individual has a “social licence to operate”.
    • Increasingly, the idea of social licence is becoming relevant to our interactions with animals in contexts such as racing, farming, and now animal yoga.

Animal welfare assurance

    • One approach to make animal-assisted activities more ethical is through “one health” and “one welfare” initiatives, which focus on the interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental wellbeing.
    • For animal-reliant operations to be sustainable, they need be transparent and proactive in assuring the public that animal wellbeing is a priority.

The five domains of animal welfare

    • When assessing indicators of animal welfare, scientists increasingly use the “five domains” framework.
    • The first four domains are nutrition, physical environment, health, and behavioural interactions (with people, other animals and the environment).
    • A young animal whose sleep is interrupted may feel worried, have reduced concentration, and be more prone to illness.

How to make change

    • The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Kennel Club have condemned the yoga classes, and called on the parliamentary group that monitors animal welfare to ban the practice.
    • Closer to home, we can all exert this kind of pressure through the choices we make.

A changing world needs arts and social science graduates more than ever – just ask business leaders

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火曜日, 7月 25, 2023

Behind the institutional veil, academic and administrative staff are quietly upping sticks for other, more secure working environments.

Key Points: 
  • Behind the institutional veil, academic and administrative staff are quietly upping sticks for other, more secure working environments.
  • The threat to the country’s research and development strategy from underfunded science departments is perhaps clearer.
  • But the risks from losing more staff in the humanities and social sciences (where I work) are arguably less well appreciated.

Thinking critically

    • If that sounds a little “ivory tower”, it is in fact a statutory obligation of tertiary institutions to be a “critic and conscience of society”.
    • That is, to enable people to think for themselves, challenge received wisdoms and ask questions of those in positions of power.
    • More practically, the attributes and dispositions imparted in the humanities and social sciences – the capacities to think critically, synthesise complex information and hold contradictory ideas in balance – are extremely useful in today’s rapidly changing labour market.

Business and the humanities

    • And yet, the hard-headed world of business and commerce is increasingly aware of the value of just such an education.
    • Maybe most famously in New Zealand, the highly successful international property developer Bob Jones has long expressed a preference for employing arts rather than business graduates.
    • Read more:
      Starved of funds and vision, struggling universities put NZ’s entire research strategy at risk

No technical fixes

    • Highly complex issues – the climate crisis, the emergence of artificial intelligence, disinformation and political extremism, race and gender prejudice, and social inequality – are not wholly amenable to technical fixes.
    • And therefore each requires the sorts of practices cultivated in the arts disciplines: careful thought, calm deliberation and meaningful collaboration.
    • Archaic assumptions about the “value” of the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences need to be put to rest.
    • Filling a hole in this year’s budget may only mean the price we pay in years to come will be far larger.

First contact with aliens could end in colonization and genocide if we don't learn from history

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水曜日, 7月 19, 2023

We’re only halfway through 2023, and it feels already like the year of alien contact.

Key Points: 
  • We’re only halfway through 2023, and it feels already like the year of alien contact.
  • In February, President Joe Biden gave orders to shoot down three unidentified aerial phenomena – NASA’s title for UFOs.
  • Most recently, an independent analysis published in June suggests that UFOs might have been collected by a clandestine agency of the U.S. government.
  • Our collaborative preparations for the workshop drew from transdisciplinary research in Australia, New Zealand, Africa and across the Americas.

Who’s in charge of first contact

    • The question of who is “in charge” of preparing for contact with alien life immediately comes to mind.
    • The communities – and their interpretive lenses – most likely to engage in any contact scenario would be military, corporate and scientific.
    • Few in the social science and humanities fields have been afforded opportunities to contribute to concepts of and preparations for contact.

Ethics of listening

    • Neither Breakthough Listen nor SETI’s site features a current statement of ethics beyond a commitment to transparency.
    • SETI-affiliated scholars tend to reassure critics that the intentions of those listening for technosignatures are benevolent, since “what harm could come from simply listening?” The chair emeritus of SETI Research, Jill Tarter, defended listening because any ET civilization would perceive our listening techniques as immature or elementary.
    • Seen this way, isn’t listening potentially without permission just another form of surveillance?
    • It seems contradictory that we begin our relations with aliens by listening in without their permission while actively working to stop other countries from listening to certain U.S. communications.

Histories of contact

    • Throughout histories of Western colonization, even in those few cases when contactees were intended to be protected, contact has led to brutal violence, pandemics, enslavement and genocide.
    • Cook’s actions put into motion wide-scale colonization and Indigenous dispossession across Oceania, including the violent conquests of Australia and New Zealand.
    • As scholars attuned to both research ethics and histories of colonialism, we wrote about Cook in our working group statement to showcase why SETI might want to explicitly disentangle their intentions from those of corporations, the military and the government.
    • David Delgado Shorter has received funding from the National Science Foundation, the University of California, and the California Community Foundation.

Ceylon Graphite Outperforms Other Graphite Materials in a Groundbreaking Graphene-based Sensing Platform for Chemical Analysis Study Conducted by Imperial College London

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水曜日, 7月 19, 2023

These results demonstrate the potential of high-quality graphite to empower the next generation of nanomaterial-based diagnostics for biological and chemical sensing.

Key Points: 
  • These results demonstrate the potential of high-quality graphite to empower the next generation of nanomaterial-based diagnostics for biological and chemical sensing.
  • Raman spectroscopy analysis of the functionalized graphene ink demonstrated results consistent with those observed in LPE graphene, indicating a low defect area.
  • The combination of these unique properties enabled the successful detection of pH using a Lab-on-PCB architecture for the first time.
  • This breakthrough in pH sensing utilizing the Lab-on-PCB platform demonstrates the potential of Ceylon-derived graphene in enabling advanced sensing technologies

ProSomnus to Design Head-to-Head Clinical Trial vs. Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation

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木曜日, 7月 13, 2023

PLEASANTON, Calif., July 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ProSomnus, Inc. (NASDAQ: OSA ), a leading CPAP alternative for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), announced plans to design a head-to-head clinical trial comparing its precision oral appliance therapy (OAT) and hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HNS) in treating patients with severe OSA.

Key Points: 
  • PLEASANTON, Calif., July 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ProSomnus, Inc. (NASDAQ: OSA ), a leading CPAP alternative for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), announced plans to design a head-to-head clinical trial comparing its precision oral appliance therapy (OAT) and hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HNS) in treating patients with severe OSA.
  • The clinical trial plans follow updated results from the First Line Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment Study (FLOSAT), a prospective, independent, head-to-head, crossover study comparing the effectiveness of precision OAT and CPAP among patients with moderate to severe OSA.
  • Further, secondary analysis indicates that precision oral devices are associated with lower rates of adverse events and lower total treatment costs than HNS.
  • Based on these findings, ProSomnus intends to design a head-to-head clinical trial comparing precision OAT and HNS.